
I ended up taking some Nyquil last night, and luckily I slept it off by this morning. It was super quiet at work all day and it seemed like everyone was either gone or busy somewhere else on campus. I finally replaced Harry’s computer while he was gone, but otherwise I mostly documented my existing subnets for future planning. It may just be a matter of going through all of the switches to make sure everything is configured correctly.

I left just a couple minutes early and picked up some stuff from the old house, then got home just before Noah got there. I took the dogs for a quick run on the Onewheel, where I ran into Tasha who apparently lives just a few blocks away by Alisha. We stopped to see my parents and then headed back home so I could put out the trash and recycling.

Once Summer got home, she wanted to take them out again. She wasn’t hungry and Eaddie wasn’t home, so I went to Taco Bell for a quiet dinner. I was still a little hungry when I left, so I stopped and grabbed some sauced nuggets from Wendy’s, which weren’t great. The sauce was mostly just oil, and I didn’t love them. They were surprisingly spicy though.

It had started to pour down rain while I was at Wendy’s, but settled down a bit by the time I made it home. I played with the dogs on the porch some more while everyone else settled in. Then I maxed out my Amazon Vine orders again and headed to bed.


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