Food? Check.

I got up fairly early again, so my sleep schedule is slowly getting back to normal. I’ve enjoyed making coffee at home, but I’m not sure I’m ready to make it a part of my early morning routine before my drive to work. It just seems to taste better when I brew it while I’m on the clock.

Summer wanted to try Check-H, the re-skinned Western Sizzlin, so I met her there after I took a shower. It was absolutely identical, all basically run by the same people. I guess they finally paid off, or didn’t need the franchise any longer. I never really understood how that worked. Jen actually saw me and patted me on the shoulder while I was getting dessert, and we talked briefly about my sudden departure from Two Rivers, and we wished each other well. I also spotted Todd and his wife finding a table just as we were finishing up. Overall, the food was identical, and it was still one of the lesser experiences I’ve ever had there. It was fine, but I prefer days with steak and shrimp on the bar.

After we ate, Summer had to go downtown to help one of her employees with his dead car. We tried jumping it with the Murano, but the starter would just click once and never crank. They worked on it for a while, and fortunately he parked it right outside Bumper to Bumper, but the only help they could provide was to suggest the car wasn’t worth the cost of repair.

I headed on home and waited for the girls to get home. Summer was a little later than she said she would be, and once Eaddie got home, she wanted some peace and quiet to record her flute. Summer went out back to work on the porch, and I took the dogs for a ride.

We went to visit with Dad, and I talked to him about the house we viewed yesterday. I had been getting excited about it, but when I talked to Kevin, he said he really needed three bedrooms. I don’t understand the appeal of staying in a duplex when he could move somewhere even slightly better for similar money, but maybe we can talk more about it later. Alisha actually texted and said the homeowner liked us, so we traded numbers and we may try taking her out to lunch next week.

Mom got home from work and we walked the dogs around the back yard for a while before I got them home. Then Summer and I picked up Nova and came back to my parents’ house for phở. Mom used the oxtail I got from Kim, and she and I each bit into a little lead pellet in the meat. Someone must have shot the cow in the rear with birdshot for some reason. It wasn’t a surprise for those Yell County folk.

Summer wanted me to drop her off first so she could pack for her Conquer the Gauntlet race in the morning. I took Nova back to her dorm and then came home to a quiet house. I got things wrapped up super early, so hopefully I’ll be able to pass out quickly.

water water water

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