
It was super gusty and windy all day today. I stopped by Starbucks for my free birthday drink and made it to work reasonably close to starting time, and was surprised to see Randy there after the board meeting last night. There wasn’t much more drama than last time, and the cuts are off to the personnel committees to approve now. Several of us caught up for a while, and I helped Jim prepare for our impending shutdown of remote desktop services on our servers.

Our Logical Front sales rep wanted to meet, but ran a little late and pushed into our lunch, but we eventually made it to Skinny J’s where Kyle, Jay, and Jim were waiting for us. Maggie drove herself so she could pick up a chocolate meringue pie for Jim on our shared birthday, but I rode with Randy to check out his new RAV4. Food was good as usual, but I was stuffed by the time we left.

The afternoon went by fairly quickly after that. Maggie and a couple other ladies I hadn’t met before brought the pie as a surprise, and we all had a slice of that. When we finally left, I fought traffic to get to Conway to charge, and then fought even more to get home. The dogs and I had a good run to see my parents, and then made it back home where Eli had come over for a while, and both girls were actually home together.

I opened up a few Vine packages and took out the recycling and trash, which was a bit of a chore, but I got it all to fit. Summer went to bed pretty early, and I made it nearly on time.


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