What are Traditions: Brexit 1776 (Independence Day 2017)


I woke up with tremendous back pain this morning, so I went back to bed until around noon. When I finally got up, I played a quick round of Battlegrounds with Clint until my parents came by to drop off some insurance paperwork. They invited me to my cousin Lelan’s farm for a 4th of July shindig they were throwing.

It was a bit hot and humid at first, but after the sun went down it was quite nice outside. There was a ton of food, and plenty of room for everyone to hang out on the deck or in the yard, and several of the kids went out into the fields to ride fourwheelers. They had a nice fireworks display to end the evening. I’m really just glad my parents got out of the house. I wish they would do something – anything just to live a little. Sometimes it makes me feel guilty for some reason, but I really shouldn’t let it. It’s up to them to enjoy the life they have.

It’s nice to follow tradition occasionally.

The Backbreaker

There were only four of us at work today. I split off and worked at my building while the others kept busy at the shop. I pinched something in my back while I was bent over a computer desk, and have been hurting all day from it.

We went to Spices “Grandma Recipe” food truck for lunch, and I had the girl surprise me with something. Based on the receipt, she got me a spicy stirfried noodle dish with shrimp, steak, and chicken, but I didn’t really see any steak or chicken that I recall. It was delicious, though, and I had no expectations going in. I’d definitely go again.

Ben let us out at 2:00, so I came home and fed the duck some fresh greens, then sat down at the computer for some Battlegrounds for the remainder of the evening.

When did I become old enough for back problems?

It wasn’t really Lynyrd Skynyrd anyway…

I went to bed craving pizza, then woke up and took my Bác Vân to Ci-Ci’s for lunch. In the afternoon, I cleaned out the duck’s bin and took a bath with it to try and get it used to me. I think more than anything I just wore it out to the point that it couldn’t keep trying to get away from me, but I’ll just have to keep spending time with it.

That’s about all I accomplished all day. I didn’t go to Magic Springs again, though I’d been planning on it for weeks. It was just so hot outside, and I didn’t want to ride with the heat and humidity from the chance of rain we had.

I’ve got to make some real friends…

Create Your Perfect Salad

I spent all day by myself at the junior high, trying desperately to get software deployments ready. I met up with Jason and Allen for lunch at Ruby Tuesday, where we all three had endless salads. I love the variety there, and I should probably do that more often.

After work, I picked the duck some fresh greens, then lost track of the rest of my night over some Battlegrounds.

Hummus. I need hummus.

Drama Mamma

We took down more SMART board speakers at the middle school today. Too many cooks.

A big group of us went to Stoby’s for lunch, where I had the waitress surprise me with something off-menu. She got me a pita taco, which was tasty and cheap, which was awesome. I love it when they get excited to choose something for me.

After work, I just came home and picked a few things for the duck before settling in for some Battlegrounds and then a bit of Overwatch.

Somewhere along the way, I found the mango nectar close to expiration, and imbibed so much mango whiskey.

I missed a call from Kristin at some point, and later found a message that she wanted to explain her side of the story, but I’ve had enough drama in my life that I don’t need to involve myself in other peoples’ affairs.

I’m just trying to do it right, man.

Going out for Chinese

I ran all around town today, wiping lab computers to sell before we get new ones in. I know nobody else thinks of it as a contest, but I can totally accomplish the work of two others in the same amount of time. I guess if nothing else, I can take pride in that tiny bit of work ethic.

After work, Mom wanted to try something new for dinner, so we went to Old South. They got steaks, and I got a blackened chicken with surprise-me sides. Fried okra and some bangin fried potatoes. Overall, everyone was super pleased. Then we came back to my house, and we went outside to pick some fresh kale, mint, and spinach for the duck. I think I may have overdone it, as the duck seems to pick at the gamebird crumbles the most. At least I can feel good that the purchase wasn’t in vain.

I played a round of PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds with the guys, then wasted the rest of my night on Reddit somehow. I almost got up and did something, I swear.

Put it on my bill.

Put some ketchup on.

I spent all day by myself, imaging a lab and fighting with touchscreen drivers. This is my life now.

After lunch, I ran in to John in the hallway after seeing him at Apex on Saturday. He asked if I had a woman. Then said his wife had someone she wanted to set up with me. This is terrifying, because she knows less about me than John, and John knows absolutely nothing about me. Jesica was much more optimistic.

After work, I picked some fresh mint for the duck, and washed some socks. This is also my life now.

Death, when it comes, will have no sheep.

PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

Busywork wore me out at work today. I got started on imaging another lab, and then Amanda and I went around the whole building removing SMART board speakers from the walls. Unmounting and remounting projectors and the accompanying cables was a pain, and mostly pointless.

For lunch, Allen, Jason, and I went to Taco Villa. I don’t understand the popularity of that place even a little bit. That’s not to say that I don’t like the food. I do. I just don’t know why. It’s served lukewarm with cheap ingredients, but somehow it just hits a special spot. I also hate their tiny dining area, but we ate there and consumed an entire bottle of their hot sauce.

After work, I picked up PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds to try with Johnny and Clint. I hated it. I knew I would hate it. Those types of games create a kind of anxiety in me that I just don’t need. I can’t even get a refund for it because I bought it from Green Man Gaming instead of directly through Steam.

What’s the Chinese version of Cinco de Mayo?
I’m Vietnamese.
Chinko de Mayo.
Now you’re on MY list.

I never cared much for Jessie’s girl, anyway.

I woke up around noontime when Kevin called and asked me out to lunch. I met him at New China and ate too much, because I can’t resist a large variety of foods. I have to have all of the different things I like. I can’t just choose a few.

On the way home, I stopped by Apex to visit with Jesica for a bit, and to discover that she no longer wanted to go to Magic Springs with me to see Rick Springfield. By the time I actually made it home, I was tired and lethargic from sleeping too late and eating too much, so I never did make it out of the house again. I played some Heroes of the Storm, and watched some How I Met Your Mother, and now it’s off to bed I go.

Stacy’s mom, on the other hand…