Too Many Pandacorns

I slept in too late today to take Summer some lunch while she was working at the shop, so I spent the day cleaning up after the cats and fish. I moved more snails over to the 55-gallon tank too, but I’ll need to bring the PH up so the acidity doesn’t eat away at their shells. I let myself get sucked down the rabbit hole for a while on that one.

After a while, I loaded up Breath of the Wild on the TV and played until I had to get ready for dinner. Summer came over after a workout and a shower, we picked the girls up, and we went to my parents’ house for some leftovers. Zach invited us up to play a card game they got called Unstable Unicorns, so we picked Gary up as well and headed to Doverland.

The seven of us played for nearly four hours before Eaddie finally won. We were pretty severely gimped because Zach and Sara insisted that you couldn’t play an upgrade card unless you had a basic unicorn card in your stable, and then all of my unicorns were turned into pandas for the entire game. I very nearly won though, and I feel like I did win in spirit even if it was only because I had a proper understanding of the rules.

Past midnight, we headed back to town in the pouring rain, dropped Gary off, then made it back to my house to go to sleep. All the girls passed right out, and I joined them after a couple more hours.

You think the hard way is your ally, but you merely adopted the challenge!

Easy Overtime

I spent all day working at the high school handout today. It was probably the best day I’ve had at work in a long time. Even when it was busy, things went smoothly and correctly. They’ve done a really good job of making the whole process pretty efficient.

Summer brought Noah in to get his laptop in the afternoon, and we were all done by 3:30. Central Office dismissed us at three, but I still had work to do at the junior high, so I stayed until nearly five.

After that, I went home to get some things and then went to Summer’s for the evening. She made sloppy joes with mashed potatoes and some asparagus that all turned out pretty awesome. Eaddie made cupcakes for dessert, and we played a game of Uno before the kids started watching The Fellowship of the Ring. I played a bit of Limbo before settling down for bed.

The Great Dying

Everything seemed perfectly normal up until bedtime.

It was a pretty slow day again. I ended up driving through McDonald’s for a late lunch Happy Meal. Nobody else has really been around all week. I guess it’s been alright to recalibrate my eating habits.

After work, I came home for just a little while before heading to Summer’s for dinner. Some of the tadpoles were hitching a ride on a piece of celery that was bobbing up and down in the water, so I made a funny video of it.

Summer made chicken and bowtie alfredo, then we all played a super long game of Uno before the girls went to bed. The rest of us watched an episode of The Office, and then I came home.

I checked on the tadpoles just before going to bed, and much to my dread, over half of them looked to have perished. There were just mounds of them on the floor of the fish bowl. I spent a couple hours trying to sort out the living from the dead, but they preferred to mingle. I rigged up a bigger container for confirmed live ones, then sank a smaller container with the rest of the mix so the live ones could swim out overnight, leaving the dead behind. We’ll see how it goes in the morning, I guess.

Everything was great until it wasn’t.

What can I say except, “you’re welcome!”

I slept in again today, but made time to clean the aquarium and living room before going out. The girls went shopping and wanted CiCi’s, so I met them there for that. Afterward we stopped in to Shoe Carnival so I could look for some sandals. I don’t really understand it, but the sandals I wear are at least a size larger than my shoe size.

When we left there, Summer asked what the plan was, and I told her that I was going to go play video games by myself and she could do whatever she wanted. Eaddie said she was with me, so I took her, which I think was a surprise to everyone. It looked like Summer and Autumn went toward their house, and Eaddie and I went to my house, but then made a detour to get half a sandwich out of the office refrigerator. On the way back, we passed a bird sitting in the gutter of the road that didn’t move, so I circled around and we walked over to look at it. I managed to poke it before it wobely flew across the street. We followed it, but I never got to touch it again. I did get a sweet picture of it when it landed just outside arm’s reach in a tree.

Giving up on the bird, we came back to my house and met the others and played some Blokus before settling in to watch Moana. I loved the movie, and the 3D was spot-on.

If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me…

First and Last

This morning was productive for me. Gary babysat me while I played around in some of our network switches, and I think most of what I was doing stuck with me. At least I should have log files if I get lost in the future.

After work, I went to my parents’ house for lunch. Dad had taken Mom some food for her lunch break and got back home just after I finished my taco salad. I got my Walkera Runner 250 spinning, but it was too cold to be outside flying. I managed to call a cat from across the yard while I was inside the dining room, impressive to the point that I felt like maybe I’ve missed a personal calling somewhere. Nowhere useful, but a calling nonetheless.

From there, I went to Summer’s and crushed them in a flip-floppy game of Monopoly. We picked up some Whatta-Burger for dinner, then I finished the evening dead last in a game of Sorry. Bác Vân called and offered eggrolls, so I took some to share with Becky, then came home for some PUBG with Josh, Clint, and Aaron. I even contributed.

Blog(config)#write memory

Soul Crusher

I woke up early this afternoon super hungry, so I went to my parents’ house to find some leftovers. I had forgotten they had to go back to work today, but Julie and Andy were there with a surprise replacement of the garage overhead lights. I stuffed a couple rolls with ham and turkey down my gullet, then came back home to play some Overwatch and shower.

Once my parents got home from work, I went and had dinner, then went to Summer’s to play a game of Monopoly. Nothing makes me happier than extinguishing that tiny glimmering light of hope in someone’s eyes as they make their way around the gauntlet. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as maniacally as Summer though, as she left us all cold and desperate in the wake of her Trumpian victory.

Now the trick is to fall asleep as quickly as possible so I can go to work in the morning.