Cleanup for Company

I got up this morning and continued working on chores all day. By the time I got to a good stopping place, I was late getting to Summer’s. Autumn had her boyfriend, Adrian over for dinner, and I don’t think I’d ever seen her room, the bathroom, or the rest of the visible house so spotless before. Summer had me sit in on her hand of Uno so she could start dinner.

The kids all gave up, since they were barely paying attention to the game anyway. Then we had a chicken alfredo with weird vegetable pasta. It wasn’t bad I guess, if we’re making healthier choices. Autumn had to go to her grandmother’s house for the evening so she could help with something the next day, so Summer took her and Adrian to drop them off, and I took Eaddie to my house.

Eaddie started to feel a little sick again, so I made her some Swiss Miss and let her watch Arrow while I started up some more laundry. When Summer got here, she started playing Torchlight II on her laptop until I got to a point with my laundry that I could watch some TV, and we put on The Office. Eaddie passed out eventually to some Nyquil, and we called it a night.

But I don’t want to turn the alarm on again!

That’s not snoring. That’s the sound of me dying.

We slept in a bit this morning until the kids all went to hang out with Nick. Summer started some pulled pork barbecue in the crock pot, then I dozed off in her lap while she caught up on Stranger Things so she could watch it with the kids. She went to the gym for a bit before everyone got home, and I watched Moana while updating an old laptop I hadn’t used in a while.

Once the kids got back, they all went to drop Noah off and to get an assortment of gifts from Summer’s parents. She had started some pulled pork barbecue in the crock pot earlier in the morning, which we ate once everyone got back home. It was too late to start an episode of Stranger Things, so we watched New Girl, sent the girls to bed, then caught a couple episodes of The Office before I headed home.

When I got home to my hot house, I discovered I had been invaded again by ants. This time, I lost my apple fritters. I dusted the perimeter of my house with ant killer in a fit of rage, then cleaned up a bit before bed. At least it managed to cool off pretty quickly inside.

Can you imagine an Asian that is bothered by the sound of filing nails???