I warmed up some leftover pizza and eggrolls for breakfast this morning once we all rolled out of bed. Summer started some laundry and eventually we started some Battlestar. Then I tinkered around while Summer went to the gym. Before too long we had to take Noah home, so we picked up his stuff he forgot at work and dropped him off. Then we went by my house to move a box spring outside for tomorrow’s bulk item pickup.
We had to go grocery shopping for the week, but we stopped by Harbor Freight first to get something to split up power behind the TV. Then we went to Walmart and got everything we needed for the week. We had a bit of time, so we made a quick circle through the store to look for anything good on clearance. Then we went to Summer’s to drop everything off. Mom made shrimp noodle soup, so we headed that direction and picked Autumn up along the way. Summer wasn’t completely grossed out by the smell of the shrimp paste, and even liked it well enough to have some in her soup. I still object. Eaddie’s father dropped her off eventually, and then we all headed home for the night.
The girls got a few chores done and headed for bed, and then I made Summer watch another episode of Battlestar Galactica before going to sleep.
One day, you just decide to… get up and walk out of your room.