Donut Panic

I didn’t sleep great last night, but I managed to make it to work a few minutes early. I parked in the other bay because my usual was blocked by a layer of snow, but I think I like the other bay better anyway, because I can pull straight in and there’s nothing in the way of the power outlet. My third party charger decided to quit working after a couple hours, so I had to break out the Tesla branded one instead. I’ll need to update my review, and see if I can get it fixed or replaced, but at least it was “free.”

Maggie called me early wanting to know if I wanted donuts, and then she basically brought me every example of something I might like. She’s always too generous when she brings us food, so I tried to pay her back a little bit by buying her kid’s meal she wanted from Cane’s for lunch.

Otherwise it was a super quiet day until the afternoon when I felt like I was going to black out again out of nowhere. I felt pretty dizzy and strange for a little while after that, and I was nervous to go home at the end of the day, but I was better by then. I had gotten enough of a charge to make it home, so I stopped to see Summer in Conway and washed my car.

I got home just before dark and took the dogs out for a quick run. We creeped through the basin trail because there was still standing water over parts of the trail, and they kept pulling pretty hard in some places, so I had to tug back on their leash quite a bit after that. We visited Dad, then got home a little bit before Summer did.

Eaddie was out super late for all-region, and I wasn’t surprised when she reported first chair. I tried to get to bed super early with the hopes that more sleep might prevent another spell like today, but I wasn’t sure if it was due to a slight change in meds, or the alleged anemia, which doesn’t seem to be making me as tired as I would expect, otherwise I might be sleeping better.


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