Complaining only serves to annoy those around you.

Fridays are usually pretty exhausting, and today was no exception. Amanda, Gary, and I helped Allen run cable at the upper elementary building all morning. It was a warm and humid day, but still only a taste of what’s to come over the summer.
I had to take the Murano in for an oil change after lunch, which was a welcome break. Then the rest of the afternoon was just wrapping things up for the weekend.

After work, I came home to check out the work they had done to the trees in my yard. The large trees made me feel like I was further away from the city than I am. Somewhere older and closer to nature. I’d love having the open view of the sky if I could actually see the stars from here, but the city lights drown out the rest of the universe. Now it’s all just light reflecting off the haze in the distance. I guess the bright side is that I’ll have plenty of firewood if I ever convince anyone to come over long enough to burn it. I always thought s’mores would be a better incentive than they’ve proven to be.

The cardinals seem to be doing well this spring. A bright red couple has just finished building a nest on my aunt’s back porch, and today was the first day we got an egg. This should be lots of fun to watch over the next few weeks. I miss having a bird around.

In the evening, I ended up having some computer trouble. I think I’ve narrowed it down to a driver issue, but I don’t know why anything changed in the first place. I guess I’ll keep working on it tomorrow when I have less trouble keeping my eyes open.

I’m not ready for the summer.

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