The Runs

We slept in a while this morning until we had to leave for Summer’s 10K in Little Rock. We stopped by McDonald’s for some chicken tenders on the way out of town, which were actually really good, and then made our way to Conway for our first stop. I had a Shoe Carnival reward burning a hole in my pocket, so Summer scored a couple pairs of boots in a BOGO free sale. I wanted to go to Old Chicago for lunch while we were in town, but we ran short on time and Summer wasn’t hungry enough to eat. We made a quick stop at Dick’s to check for potential kayaks on sale before departing on the last leg of our trip.

Thirsty and still a bit hungry myself, we stopped by another McDonald’s on the way out of Conway for some drinks. The kid brought one of our drinks out, but said they didn’t have the equipment to make the slush I ordered even though there was a giant window cling for it on the front of the store. He offered to make me another of what we did get, but I ended up having to go inside because he forgot to bring the replacement drink out to me after it was made. I guess nobody cared enough to find out why there was another drink sitting on the counter at the end of the makeline.

We finally arrived at the Creep ‘N Crawl 10K/5K shortly after Hannah and Dylan, and spent most of our time waiting in line with the girls for the bathroom. There were some interesting costumes there, but Old Greg was one of my favorites. Some of the costumes definitely didn’t seem run-friendly, but by golly they did it. My number one favorite had to go to a couple of girls that were dressed as a cop and robber, and ran the race handcuffed to one another.

Summer and Dylan took off first in the 10K, and then Hannah took off 15 minutes later. Dylan ended up getting second place in his age group, so he got a tiny trophy. Hannah and Summer both came in squarely in the middle of their categories, but Hannah arrived first since she was only doing the 5K. While we were waiting, I bumped into Officer Beyette, and he offered to take my picture with Hannah and Mr. Peanut, but I declined and said I wasn’t actually with them. I assumed he didn’t remember me from the time I trolled him at Oakland, but it was funny to me all the same.

I started to worry a bit about Summer because she was a fair bit behind her goal time. I expected her right along with Dylan, but the clock just kept on ticking. She ended up getting sick in the middle of the race, but she puckered up and pushed through to the end. I made the trek back to the car to come back and pick everyone up, and we headed to Dave and Buster’s for some evening fun.

They didn’t have Angry Orchard on tap, which was the girls’ choice drink, so we didn’t get to experience the 100 oz tower. The food was pretty decent, the drinks were overpriced, and the games were fun while they lasted. We all decided to hold on to what tickets we earned and, tired from the day’s activities, called it a night and drove on home.

Mission: Disastrously Successful

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