I bummed a lot of favors today. Julie gave me a ride to work this morning since it was so cold out. Once there, I took the work truck to the junior high to babysit the testing. Nobody reached out to me even once, so I just sat in my office for almost all of it. I did manage to squeeze a little bit of work in though.
Summer didn’t finish with her testing stuff until the kids were already a bit into their lunch break, so she was upset about not getting to eat anything. I gave her a Soylent and then ran home to eat some leftovers for lunch, and dropped off some pallets while I was there.
After lunch, I stopped by Oakland for a little bit before going to the shop. The Murano was ready at the shop, so I had Zach give me a ride out there, and then I drove back to the junior high. The bill was quite a bit lower than I expected, which was awesome. I even got some replacement valve stem caps since mine went missing a few years ago.
When I finally left work, I headed home to change before heading to Summer’s to load everyone up to go have dinner with my parents. Mom made some mango soup, warmed up some leftover fried rice, and Dad made some garlic bread. It was all a bit of an odd combination, but everyone but Autumn found something they really liked. I guess she had filled up on hot dogs when she got home from school.
We all retired back at Summer’s for the evening, where I played around on YouTube a bit before bed.