Ensurance Racket

I had to babysit more testing today, but it was more of the same not needing me. I left a little early to go to the shop and sign up for some supplemental insurance. I avoided the $400/year dental plan, but opted in to the Luxottica vision monopoly. I figure for a year’s worth of payments, I can renew my prescription and get some new glasses and contacts, and then cancel again.

Gary, Heather, and I went to Las Palmas for lunch, and then I went back to the junior high to finish up a few things. I didn’t make it to Oakland like I wanted because Summer wanted me to run Autumn home. We stopped to get her some Wendy’s on the way, and I came home and had some leftover ham and stuff.

The rest of the evening was pretty well wasted in the cold, but at least I won’t have to fight the frost in the morning.

What a pianist!

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