I had a little bit of a rough start this morning, but ultimately made it in to work. My laptop crashed overnight, so I spent a good amount of time running diagnostics today to figure out what was going on. The tests were inconclusive though, so I carried on with a few things in my office. At one point, Karen and I poked through some closets to see where she might gain some extra storage.
Allen wanted Subway for lunch, so we both used coupons to knock down the price of their $9.19 Sweet Onion Teriyaki sandwich to something a little more reasonable. The girl did a great job of putting them together, and we both ended up finishing all of our sandwiches.
I ended up hanging out with Ben all afternoon. He wanted me to meet the guys that quoted us for a new Watchfire sign at the high school, but I was pretty underwhelmed. I guess one of the guys was local, and the other was some sort of traveling salesman. He seemed a stuttering mess for the most part, speaking only in hyperbole about how perfect their product was, and seemingly uneducated enough to answer the questions we actually had. For over $30 grand, I sort of expected more. I still don’t know why I haven’t just started making my own signs. I could be rich if I were ambitious.
After they left, we ran to Oakland to test the Frankensteined replacement computer we built for Center Valley. I ended up stripping a power cable so I could hold the bare copper wire to the power supply, and only shocked myself once in the process. I figured there hadn’t been anything exciting happen in a while anyway.
I had planned to meet he girl with the aquarium plants after work, but she messaged me to postpone it again until tomorrow, so I just went home and played someĀ Overwatch for a while. When Summer got home, I ran to Sonic for a dinner snack, and then to get some gas before ending up at her house for the evening. The girls had to go to bed shortly after I got there, and then Summer and I chatted about work until bed.
I saw the sign, and it emptied out my wallet….