You Must Restore Your Qi

I got up this morning and made some more egg sandwiches, only this time I added some sliced American cheese for the extra melty texture. The girls got around shortly after I did, and started on schoolwork. Summer was feeling a bit better, but still sore from the wreck. She made an appointment at the dentist to check out her chipped teeth, and tried to proactively schedule an appointment with the doctor to remove her stitches.

It was overall a pretty quiet morning, otherwise. Ben evidently had to spend some time at the high school, so he took care of a few work orders for me. I took Summer to her dentist appointment in the afternoon, and we filled out paperwork in the car until they called us in. The weather was perfectly cool and sunny for that, so we just relaxed with the windows down.

The exam didn’t really take long at all, since they just checked out the damage and scheduled a visit for the end of next week. It’s a bit of a bummer that she’ll have to wait that long, but at least she’s not experiencing any real pain with her teeth. She was super hungry afterward, and craving Chinese, so we stopped by New China only to find out they were still not open for dine-in.

We stopped by the house and got Eaddie, then went to Mulan’s for dinner. Autumn had eaten a snack earlier, and had to get ready for an Explorers meeting, so we left her at home to get ready. After dinner, I dropped Summer off, and Eaddie went with me to drop Autumn off at Bona Dea.

Eaddie and I drove across the street and walked along the bank of the lake for a bit. I tried to get artsy with my Pixel’s camera and a low sun, but the best pictures didn’t happen until later. We drove up and around Washburn Park before finally ending up at the main entrance of Bona Dea for a walk around the Rabbit Run. She really wanted to do the “obstacle” course, so we walked around as the sun went down. Autumn’s crew eventually jogged past us, but still had plenty of lecturing to do before they would be done.

When we finished the trail, I could see the sunset was giving off some pretty good color, so we went back across the street and took some more photos that came out pretty well. Then we went back to get Autumn, and stopped at Subway to get her dinner on the way home.

Summer was already in bed, and the girls weren’t up much longer either. Summer’s going back to work in the morning, so hopefully she won’t be in too much pain for it.

Now just do a high kick over your head!

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