A Murderer Most Foul

I didn’t sleep great last night for the constant barrage of dreams. I had one in particular that had my heart racing as I attempted to avert a murderer. At the last moment, Summer moved her arm around me, which of course occurred in real time in my dream, so I snatched her hand away from me in a death grip to save my own life.

We both eventually made it in to work, alive. I was super tired, but fortunately wasn’t assigned anything particularly physically demanding. Mike and I just went to the high school and tried to sort out the student device returns to get a couple in order to file claims, and then get a count of what parts we thought we might need.

Ben called at one point, and seemed really excited when I answered the phone as Joe’s Crab Shack, so we settled on Sam’s for lunch. Mike actually went with us, so we juad had to stop by the shop to pick up Ben. I went with the crawfish po’ boy this time, looking for something a little more reasonable in price and volume. It was excellent, though if I’m honest, I wasn’t paying close enough attention and could have easily been served shrimp instead.

After lunch we got to leave early, so we just wrapped up a bit more sorting before heading out. I stopped by Superfast to see Summer just briefly, then went home until it was time to take Autumn to her Explorers group meeting.

Once I dropped her off, I went to Lowe’s and walked the store aisle by aisle looking for those stupid discounted power cables again. I walked every inch of that place and couldn’t find them, so either they’re up in storage somewhere, or their inventory really is just 12 off. Feeling a little defeated, I ended up sitting in my car messing with my Pixel Buds for a while before heading home and eventually to bed.

That was when the Grinch discovered that the true cost of Christmas was 15 points off his credit score.

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