
Summer had to leave for Little Rock early this morning, so I took the kids to school. This time we even made it on time! I stuck around the junior high all morning since there were plenty of tickets for me to close. That office still doesn’t feel like mine, and it’s definitely not as useful. I’ll have to rearrange to make sense of all the crap that’s in there now.

Melinda wanted to go to lunch, so Josh suggested Morelos. Once we all agreed, she mentioned wanting pizza, so we went to Brick Oven instead. The service was actually pretty quick today, so we made it back relatively close to time. Then I tinkered in the shop until Ben sent me back to the junior high to meet with Matt, Janie, and Kelsey about their 1:1 device policies and procedures.

It took a little while, but eventually he understood what I was trying to explain, and I think tensions dropped a lot as we finished because he realized we weren’t hurting as badly for devices as everyone originally thought. Ultimately what I learned was that things are dumb because nobody wants to think through the policy and then enforce it until everything goes to hell, and then everyone just individually comes up with something that works until someone else tells them otherwise. If we had just assumed control of the project, I think things would have worked out better, and I doubt anyone would have bucked.

Eaddie had her flute lesson, so I dropped her off and got Autumn. Then they wanted to go on to karate early, so I dropped them off and went to my parents’ house to drop off the Fiero title. I wasn’t really hungry after the big lunch, but I ended up having a little bowl of curry before heading home to clean up.

The girls stopped by on the way home since Autumn failed to pack everything she deemed necessary, and then I continued to clean up clutter around the kitchen. It’s been slow progress as usual, but still working in the right direction.

Be gone, sticky mug!

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