Snow Place Like Home

We slept in just a little bit today before getting around to doing nothing. I spent most of my day clicking cookies, but broke away for a while to clean out Summer’s junk drawer while looking for a tape measure. She went to the gym, but otherwise stuck around the house with the rest of us.

It snowed pretty much all day, but the snow was super fluffy and didn’t stick together at all. It also didn’t seem to stack up very high, but that may have been because of how light it was, and how much room it had to compact. Summer and Eaddie went outside in it for just a little bit, but my time outside mostly reminded me of how annoying it is when you try to come back into the house.

Meals were all from frozen kits too, but they turned out well. The cats have been destroying anything left on the counter overnight, so all we have left is what’s stored in the big, metal boxes. School’s out for the weather tomorrow, so if we’re stuck in the house much longer, we may resort to eating them.

So much for getting rich on Doge.

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