The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

Summer really wanted to get out today, so we got up and went to Walmart to look for some salt for her parking lot at work. As I suspected, they were out, but thankfully Sam plowed for them while he was cleaning up their lot next door. I dropped her and Autumn off at the gym, then went home to shower and find something at least a little bit waterproof to wear for later.

As soon as we got back to their house, we all came outside to build a snowman. The girls had a big ball rolled up in no time, and I got at least some of it in a hyperlapse video. We all had a great time since the snow had finally melted just enough to be a little sticky instead of powdery. The snowman didn’t quite make it to life-size, but I think it was probably the biggest I’ve ever helped to make.

When we got back inside, Autumn wanted to grill some brats, so she and I ran back to Walmart for buns since nobody was working at the Dollar General. We got home and I picked through some stuff Eaddie wanted to throw away from cleaning her room, and then we had a nice dinner. Autumn went to bed early as usual. Summer went to bed feeling a bit of a head cold. Eaddie stayed up and played Fortnite on the Switch since her boyfriend was online. I cleaned up their medicine cabinet, and eventually made it to bed myself.

Baby got back!

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