Today was even quieter in the office because we had three people out on COVID leave. I did a good thing and found a script to bulk clean up some DHCP settings. Then it was mostly helping Brody over the phone for the rest of the day.
He wanted to go to lunch, so Brody, Gary, and I went down to Dardanelle for BFD. For some reason I ordered a big plate of nachos, which were good, but just too much to eat. I polished my plate though, and then didn’t really do much the rest of the day.
Zach came in for the superintendent meeting, but wore a mask until he could go get tested after the meeting. That ended up being positive – the test, and not the meeting. We can’t quite figure out the logic behind Dardanelle finding many qualified doctoral candidates for their superintendent, but we only found two candidates, who incidentally seem less qualified than Jeff.
When I left work, I stopped by Oakland to get Eaddie, who promptly told me that plans had changed and she would be waiting for Autumn to take her to a basketball game. I went on home and wasted most of the evening by myself. I tried to motivate myself to pick up the bedroom so I could move some furniture, but I just didn’t have much luck in the cold.
There’s just no home for it all. It’s homeless.