It’s All About That Cold Hard Cash, Hon

We got up, and Summer was in a little bit of a funk. She accidentally locked her keys in her car at Travis’s last night, so we had to go see Autumn at the car wash fund raiser at Burger King to get her spare key fob. We thought we might get breakfast, but both their grill and their fryer were down. Instead, we went to Hardee’s for what would have been a superior breakfast anyway. Then she dropped me off at my house so I could clean up while she went to the gym.

Summer wanted to go to a movie, but we didn’t quite make our matinee. She also wanted to make dinner, so we decided not to go to a later show. When she picked me up, we went to pick up her car. I let her take mine home while I went to trade hers for Autumn’s, since we thought Eaddie would practice driving to go play tennis with Summer.

When I got back up to their house, Summer and I dug through her Mint account and added a few other accounts to that so we could get a better picture of her financial situation. She was happy to see that, after all of her retirement investments, she was actually in the black. While we were doing that, I noticed some hummingbirds dogfighting outside, so I was super excited that they found our feeder. I’ll have to put my other one up at my house, and I wished I had bought more of them when they were on sale.

After a while, Summer and I went to Walmart for dinner supplies. She let me run through clearance as well, and I picked up a couple packages of dive fins, since I think Dad’s may have worn out a bit. We got some chicken and a bunch of zucchini, peppers, and broccoli to stir-fry. I thought it would be really good with rice, but Summer really wanted mashed potatoes.

As soon as we got home, I started prepping vegetables while she started cooking the chicken. The food didn’t take very long to cook, and I had to smile when Eaddie came out to eat and said it looked like it would go really well with rice. We ate and cleaned up while Autumn laid around on the couch, sunburned from spending all day at the fundraiser carwash without any sunscreen. I won’t feel sorry for her when it’s time to mow the lawn in the morning, because she should know better by now, especially when they had sunscreen for them at the event.

Eaddie never made it out to play tennis. Summer ended up showering and put on Baywatch, which I had never seen. It didn’t seem to take itself very seriously. Eventually I made it to bed as well.

Yes, I’m back in black!

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