Back 22 School

I took the Shadow to Oakland first thing this morning, and I was shocked at how little traffic there was. I squeezed in right at eight without any trouble, waving at staff that was spread out across the parking lot to help guide new parents. I had a few work orders to complete, but I did a fair amount of work from my laptop. I did have to go to a couple rooms, but for the most part it seemed like they were on autopilot. For all the grief I’ve had every year having to hook things back up after the custodians unhooked everything, this year went surprisingly smoothly. Paul brought a huge tub of cookies for everyone, which I think tickled all of the ladies in the office to have a maintenance guy who actually does work and then goes home and bakes.

I made it back to the shop before lunch, and it was pretty quiet downstairs. I picked at a couple things there until Zach took Gary, Greg, and me to La Chiquita for lunch. The food was good, but our server was pretty slow. When we finally made it back to the shop, I had some of the birthday cake that Tammy brought for Kelsea. As I sat in my office, more and more things came through to distract me, so I didn’t really accomplish the one task that Gary gave to me.

After work, I was surprised again at the lack of traffic and how easy it was to get across town. I stopped by Walgreens to pick up a photo print, and then crossed the street to pay for the brakes I got a couple weeks ago. From there, I went home and started some laundry that kept me busy all night.

Summer worked from open to close in Conway and got home pretty late. She took the Murano, so I met her at Casey’s to fill up both of our cars with a discount from the Upside app. For some reason, it took the pump FOREVER to fill up her car after mine. I don’t know why it slowed down, but it slowly ticked by in hundredths of a gallon. I couldn’t believe how long it took. I had to go back home to finish my laundry after that, and then it was off to bed.

HEY! Teachers! Leave those kids alone!

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