Thomas messaged us about an hour before work this morning to let us know that there were district-wide reports of an internet outage. I walked in just a couple minutes after Ryan got there and said it was back up, but I could tell something wasn’t acting right. It became clear pretty quickly that things were very broken. I mostly just stayed out of the way, but I wanted to follow along with the troubleshooting process for my own learning. I ended up just doing my own thing in my office, but I was proud of myself for coming to the conclusion that it was likely a firewall issue. Evidently a patch from the manufacturer broke everything, and the guys spent nearly all day coming up with workarounds until we could get an answer from them.

I kept surprisingly busy for as broken as things were. Lunch time came around and Zach said that Thomas had ordered pizza, but he wasn’t sure if we were invited. I let the working crew eat first, and then came along and picked some up afterward since there was plenty to go around.

Near the end of the school day, I made it over to Crawford and saw Shavon for the first time in quite a while. Everyone I spoke to seemed overly positive, and it was too early for me to tell if it was just in the water, or if there really was something to it.

It had started to rain quite a bit, and that continued on after work. When I finally left, I stopped by Superfast to see Summer before getting Eaddie from robotics. Then the two of us went to my parents’ for some mango soup. After we ate, I took Eaddie back to my house while I ran next door to help Bác Vân with her phone. Bác Trân had texted me earlier in the day to say it was making noise at him, but we never did find anything wrong with it.

We made it up to Summer’s for the evening, and I tried to get to bed fairly early. Autumn came in late from a basketball game, but that was it for the night.

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