“Banquet” Is Just a Fancy Word for ”Dinner”

Summer stayed home today after dropping the girls off at school, which let me stay in bed a bit longer. I couldn’t really sleep though, so I got up and started looking for more jobs. I got a couple rejection emails, but only for two out of the four applications I submitted, so I’m still cautiously hopeful for the other two. I saved a few other listings, but for some reason I’m afraid to apply for too many at once, and in reality that’s probably just making me lose opportunities.

I steamed some rice and fried up some leftover pork chops for a nice lunch, and eventually made it home to clean up after Summer left the house to get some work done. I picked Autumn up after school and brought her home, but Eaddie stayed for robotics, which had a banquet scheduled for the evening.

Once it was time to go, Summer and I went to Walmart for some desserts and then headed to the high school. The banquet was pretty neat, and they had catered Taco Villa for dinner. While we waited for everyone to show up, I talked to Ethan for a bit about my predicament with the school. Then once they were ready to kick things off, we ate, celebrated the students, and watched them present some awards.

We had to wait for Eaddie to help tear everything down at the end, so I got roped into helping set the cafeteria back up. While we were doing that, one of the older parents noticed my Woot! shirt. It was raining pretty hard by the time we were ready to leave, so I got the car and picked up Summer. Then we drove around the building to get Eaddie and one of her robotics friends from downstairs, and dropped her off on the way home.

Summer stayed up late reading over Quiz Bowl questions while Eaddie and I watched an episode of Breaking Bad. Then it was off to bed while listening to the rain.

I am the one who knocks!

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