I snoozed this morning since I was up late last night. I wasn’t horribly late after my modified morning routine, but I still had to make up a lot of time on my drive. That meant I burned up a bit more power, so I ended up charging the car in the afternoon.
It was fairly social today because Jim was in the office working on building a “gaming” computer for EAST. Evidently their one good teacher died, and the new coordinator is a coach that knows nothing, so the kids are no longer capable of assembling the computers themselves. Randy and I tried to help with some of the assembly.
Kyle met us at David’s Burgers for lunch, and I found it to be a better version of CJ’s. I liked that they walked around with unlimited fresh fries, but they just didn’t come around with refills very often. It was also $15 for a combo that was just a basic double cheeseburger.
After lunch, Randy took me on a ride to drop off hotspots for the food service people, and then we stopped in to see Jimmy at their little shack. Gary was out somewhere else. Not long after we got back to the office, Jim took Randy and me to his house to pick up some wood to barricade the core closet at the annex. The security folks called Randy because someone broke in yesterday afternoon, and he was worried they would be back over the weekend to steal the equipment we’ve been hoping to move to the high school core closet.
We used deck screws to board up the doors, then went back to the office to wrap up the day. The drive home was slow because of a number of stopped cars and at least one bad wreck going the opposite direction. I made it though, and had time to take the dogs out before dark.
Summer was already home and sent Eaddie out to a friendsgiving meal. I took off with the dogs and went the long way around the basin trail and to the roundabout. We got to my parents’ house just as they were leaving to take Nova out to Linh’s. I got the dogs home and fed them some hot dogs before having a burrito myself. Then Summer and I watched a couple episodes of Modern Family before she went to bed.
Eaddie came to talk to me for a little while when she finally got home. Her holiday break is filling up quickly, so we’re glad to be able to spend the day with her tomorrow.
Came in through the chapel and they’re
Gonna raid the server closet.
Came in through the chapel and they’re
Gonna steal our wiiii-fiiiiii.