Fire When Ready

This morning was mostly rain-free, but then it started in the afternoon and just wouldn’t quit. I had Sumo for lunch two days in a row because Summer wanted to meet up there. The afternoon had me down to less than a handful of work orders remaining, so I felt pretty good about that.

After work, I went to my parents’ house where Mom fried some shrimp for dinner. Then Dad, Julie, and I all went to a friend’s place where he had an indoor shooting range set up and could test us to renew our concealed handgun carry licenses. It was pretty fun, but I can’t afford any more expensive hobbies.

After that, I came home and played some PUBG with Josh until bedtime.


A Day of Rain Stays Mainly as a Pain

I don’t think it ever stopped drizzling rain today. Not fast enough to flood, but constant enough to drop temperatures again. I finally got my damaged Pixel and modem out in the mail today. Then Sara and I went to Sumo for lunch, and the food was actually brought out pretty quick. There wasn’t really anything else going on at work. Ben got flooded out of his office, so he moved his stuff across the room to Sara’s old office space.

After work, I went to Summer’s for dinner and hung out until I was too sleepy to stay. We finally cleaned up the last major portion of the cheesy potatoes, which was nice. They really were way better after baking them again.

Drain the canals!

Fi Dolla Salad

Ruby Tuesday had a $5 garden bar for lunch today, and I’d been looking forward to it since I received the promo email yesterday. I was surprised that I managed to get five others to join me, and it was massive kudos for the choice. It’s seldom that we have that many people so happy about any one person’s choice for lunch.

After work, I came home and spent a few hours shopping for some shoes online because it was too stormy to leave the house. Eventually we got a team together for some PUBG before bed.

Find your zen place.


I spent all morning at Oakland, partially finishing up Sara’s office, but also babysitting ELPA testing. Becky finished her latest cow painting and brought it in for me. She always does a fantastic job, but seems so critical.

Ryan, Zach, Sara, and I went to Wendy’s for lunch. Ryan and I both got their Smoky Mushroom Bacon Cheeseburger, which was awesome. I was feeling the double, and it was everything I had hoped it would be.

After lunch, I spent some time at the junior high before heading back to the shop to help Ryan hang a touch panel for Amanda. She was there too. We were in and out in about 40 minutes, which seemed pretty awesome compared to the five-man jobs we usually pull on Fridays.

After work, I came home and boxed up my damaged Pixel and fried cable modem for their respective returns. Then it was a winning round of PUBG before bed.

Addicted to shopohol.

Owlet You in on a Little Secret

I woke up pretty early today after an early night to bed. I kicked around for a little while, had a potato for breakfast because I have so much potato, then ended up back in bed. I laid there for quite a while without falling asleep, but eventually got hazy and almost lucid for a while. A few episodes of sleep paralysis later, I got back up around noon time. I got a little cleaning done, and played a few rounds of PUBG before getting showered and heading to Summer’s house for a bit.

We ran to Walmart for a couple things. I had to pick up some poster board for my owl replacement project. Afterward, I dropped her off at home and went by my parents’ house to try some bò bía my mom made. I didn’t love it.

Once home, I played another couple rounds of PUBG before finishing the owls and writing my apology letter. I think it turned out okay. The delivery’s been made, so at least I can sleep again at night.

Some apowlogy letter…

MOOvie Marvel: That’s a Wrap

Today was a day of food and movies. Summer made breakfast while I started a pot roast. It’s an ordeal every time. I was actually surprised we had enough food, though just barely.

We watched the lion’s share of movies today, with Doctor StrangeSpider-Man: Homecoming, and finally Thor: Ragnarok into the evening. They were all better in 3D, but we can’t do that with kids laying sideways in the floor. It breaks the science.

We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them.

I am Barely Breathing

Today was pretty relaxed for a Friday. I ate a lot of chicken, and we got clarification on the new and sudden desire for us to document every minute of our work day. At the end of the day, I helped Sara set up her new office at Oakland since she was made to move out of our offices downstairs.

After work, I cleaned up in preparation for the last of our Marvel marathon. When everyone got here, Summer and I went to find stuff to throw in the slow cooker for tomorrow, along with some breakfast. Then it was Captain America: Civil War before bed. By that time, I had lost all air flow in the right half of my face. On top of that, I haven’t been feeling super smurfy somehow, but I’m not sure why. Hopefully my body figures it out.

I can’t find the air.


Aside from the wet ground in the morning, today was a great day to ride the bike to work. I spent most of the day running around closing small work orders, then made it home for lunch. I got the owl timers in, and I was fortunate enough to receive one of each color, so the crime scene diorama is a go. The afternoon was more of the same until it was time to go home.

I played some solo PUBG for a while and made it up to second place, then had dinner and waited for the rest of the guys to get on. Josh, Keno, Clint, and I played several games, but I ended the evening by carrying the corpses of my teammates to victory in my very first ever last-man-standing chicken dinner. I guess the solo games are paying off.


The Bar

It was all parties at the elementaries today. I went by a room to check on something and a kid ran out into the hallway saying they needed something from me. As I entered the room, the entire class yelled, “happy valentine’s day, Mister Michael” at me. It was every bit as charming and awkward as one might imagine. They invited me back in the afternoon for their trail mix party, which was a delightful mix of cereal and assorted candy. It was nice to see something that wouldn’t punch you in the mouth with a fist of sugar.

I never actually left for lunch after that. I got a sundae after the trail mix, so I guess there wasn’t much need for anything else. After work, I went to Summer’s for dinner, then came back home for some PUBG before bed. I’m having a hard time getting into bed at an appropriate time, but I guess it’s not affecting me negatively yet.

Valentine’s day is just a corporate invention, but we don’t have to fall for it. We don’t have to ever enjoy anything.

Pixel 2 XL 3

We didn’t have any group work today, so I visited my buildings in the morning. Mollie set me up with some leftover biscuits and gravy at Oakland, and then I got some work done at the junior high before lunch. I was going to come home to eat leftovers, but ended up going to Wendy’s with Zach and Sara.

In the afternoon, my insurance replacement Pixel 2 XL came in, and once home, I spent several hours getting the screen protector and skin installed. I wasn’t too happy with this new brand of screen protector, but the skin installation went okay. I was able to salvage the wood grain top from my old phone, but the main skin was destroyed mostly because I also had the metal magnetic mounting plate stuck over it. Overall, it went okay, and I’m happy with the new look.

Later in the evening, I went and had dinner with the girls for a little while, then came back home to a few rounds of PUBG before bed.

This is exhausting.