Dead Sundays and Closed Taco Trucks

I finally cleaned my aquarium after a few weeks of neglect. I keep getting a film of green all over my glass, and I’m not sure if it’s algae or diatoms, and I guess I’ll just have to do bi-weekly water changes to get rid of it.

For dinner, I took my Bác Vân out to La Plaza for tacos because all of the taco trucks we could find were closed. Even La Plaza was slow, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see the trucks closed. I can’t imagine how hard it is to maintain a steady flow of business for some of these places.

I also finally got around to hanging my motion sensing lights outside. And I took out the recycling.

I think I may already be dead.

Blurry Platinum

Today was odd. I woke up around 7 went back to sleep for a few more hours because my back was still hurting. I got up again after 10 and played some Overwatch for a while to get ranked for this season. I ended up taking a nap for a couple hours in the late afternoon until around 6, then played some more games.

It looks like I may not go to Magic Springs tomorrow as planned for the past week. I may end up going by myself if it’s nice out, but I’ve probably got things to do around the house instead anyway. This week/end was a bummer.

It’s a burden, really.

Backbreaking Tablets

I spent all day at work getting a bunch of Samsung tablets ready for next year. There’s not a great way to manage the devices without paying for some sort of management software, and at this point it’s not really worth it for us. That makes it that much more difficult to get them into the system, though.

We went to Brick Oven for lunch, and I got the Big Italy pizza, which was awesome. After lunch, I started hurting around what I’m guessing are my back muscles. It feels like I slept wrong, but it didn’t start hurting until after lunch, and it hasn’t gotten any better all night. I’m hoping that sleeping in a bit tomorrow will help.

I feel real loose like a long necked goose.

How do you catch the Etherbunny?

After lunch, I discovered an app on a computer that I think a lot of parents wish they knew about.
I also discovered the rare Lexiedog in her natural habitat.

I spent all morning running cable with Ben at Vo-Tech. Lucky for us it was super hot in the rooms we were in, and sweating is one of my most favorite pastimes. We finished a bit late for lunch with the rest of the crew, so he and I went to Ruby Tuesday on our own. I love their salad bar.

After work, I went by my parents’ house again for some more bánh xèo. It didn’t sound good when she offered it, but I enjoyed it once I started in on it. The fresh ingredients kind of made it for me.

More games until bedtime.

You use an Ethernet! Get it? Guys! Guys…?

Pool’s Open!

It was just about perfect bike weather today. We spent the morning cleaning some equipment at the high school, and it was incredible to see all the additions since I graduated. There are several areas that are completely unrecognizable. The old darkroom was taken out, and there are big science labs with tons of new equipment in its place.

After work, Mom made bánh xèo for dinner. Dad and I uncovered the pool before we ate, and then I left to pick up a laptop for my sister. Once I got home, I stayed up too late playing games before bed.

I’ve gotta get this under control.

Google wants me to reminisce about a NEW company picnic:

Great Aunt? No, Best Aunt.

Today was more busy-work mixed with hanging some new equipment. We walked to Madame Wu’s for lunch, where I received an ill-appropriate fortune. The afternoons are guiltily slow, but I tried to stay useful and busy.

After work, Bác Vân called me to offer some fresh eggrolls.

Then Jesica called to let me know she got a job offer at Arvest in Fort Smith. I hope she loves it.

I sure could use some of that motivation stuff.

Netflix and Chill: Bloodline Season 3

After work, Jesica came over and we started watching the third season of Bloodline. When she left, I finished the second season of Master of None. Life was of little interest beyond that today.

Your relationship probably wasn’t gonna be this magical fantasy that’s in your head. It was probably gonna be a shit show.

Nappy Sundays

Dad asked me to come help them uncover the pool this morning, but the rain beat us to it. I took an afternoon nap after I got back home. Normally naps ruin my sleep pattern for the rest of the evening, but I guess getting progressively less sleep every night last week and into the weekend finally caught up to me and I’m ready for bed again after some laundry and Master of None. Back to work in the morning to see what new projects we can accomplish.

Buona notte.

Michael² and the Soggy Silver Dollar

I didn’t sleep much last night, which is usual for a stay away from home. I stir at the first peek of light from the sun through the curtains, and from there it’s go-time. The breakfast at Branson’s Best Motel was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, Michael and I had miscommunicated our breakfast plans, so we each ended up going down separately to eat. Then it was on to the park.

We parked and waited for the bus for a while, but then decided to walk up the hill to the park. Out of shape as I am, I must have shed about 20 pounds in sweat. Once we got into the park, it felt pretty awesome. I’d never been, and didn’t realize how much tree coverage there was. Everywhere you went, you had shade and the cool breeze over water fixtures. I had always been told that it was mostly gift shops, but it really didn’t seem out of line from what I would expect in any theme park.

We rode a couple of the coasters, a pendulum ride, and a log flume where I got absolutely drenched. Afterword we found lunch in the form of some delicious skillet potatoes and sausage. I had just finished my food when the downpour came. It didn’t rain for super long, but the hills in the park made for several heavy streams of water running down the walkways that filled my shoes. The rain was heavy enough to penetrate my backpack as well, so I convinced him it was time to leave before we got hit by another wave of the rain.

The sky cleared up enough for us to stop by Andy’s Frozen Custard where we had a couple delicious strawberry and blackberry shortcakes. As we sat there, a couple missionary-type guys stopped by to quiz us on spirituality. Given the conversations Michael and I had been having, I took the bait and had a fair conversation with strangers. They had us pick out pictures that could represent how we felt about different things, and I expected there to be some sort of story attached to them, but they insisted it was just there as a conversation starter. When it was all said and done, I ended up feeling about the same way I expected. They were there to stir up conversations about faith, and remained grounded in righteous vindication. I could only hope to inspire them to think freely and to challenge everything.

By then, it was time to come home. We tried to stop by Mack’s Pines for dinner, but ultimately ended up at CJ’s Butcher Boy Burgers back in town. I had a grilled cheese, which was surprisingly good considering it was cheese between two inside-out hamburger buns. Once back home, Michael came in to check out my home theater experience. I think he left impressed.

Yeah they was dancin’ and singin’ and movin’ to the groovin’.

Vetted in Branson

Today was a pretty busy day at work. We spent most of the morning cleaning out lab computers, and then transported some laptop carts to my elementary for summer school. We got to leave a bit early, which gave me a bit of extra time to prepare for Branson.

Michael picked me up in his bright red Corvette, and we headed up Highway 7 through some spectacular weather. It was hot all day, but after a short rain, the air was perfect, and the mountains made it even better. On the way, we got onto the subject of religion, and were able to have a looong but civil conversation. We ended up talking on the subject on into the night over cobbler in the motel lobby.

Tomorrow, it’s Silver Dollar City.

An authentic, American adventure.