We’ll All Float On

I tend to not let myself get too excited. It helps to mitigate the disappointment when shit goes sideways.

Only days until the finish line. I let myself get excited. Summer was finally here. We were supposed to leave for New Orleans today for the quiz bowl tournament. Not only was I excited, but I spread that excitement to my friends, and they were excited too. They’ve been asking me about our plans, and letting them know I wasn’t going was splitting myself open again every time.

I let myself get excited. Summer had so much in store for us. For the first time in such a long time, I was looking forward to the future. We were going to take a trip to Wisconsin to pick up the girls after their stay with her sister. It was going to be such a fun trip. I was so looking forward to it.

The support structure is here in full force. Hardy and true. Built to withstand so much worse.

But even a clean break leaves things broken.

So, are you coming to the game?


We got up this morning and made pancakes and sausage links. Summer’s were prettier because she pulled them off the heat earlier than I did, but mine tasted fine. I used the strawberries and whipped cream that we got for strawberry shortcakes with just a drizzle of maple syrup on top, and it was super delicious. 10/10 Goldblums.

Summer herded everyone out of the house, and I got things back in relative order before cleaning up for an evening out. Ronda and Steven invited us out to have dinner with them at their usual Saturday evening at Fat Daddy’s. They were super social butterflies. I had some public anxiety at first, but it went swimmingly. Hopefully we’ll do something else soon.

Back home for the evening, we took advantage of the mattress I set up in the living room for the girls, and snuggled up with some root beer floats to watch more of The Office before bed.

I’m serious all the time.  :|

ERRBODY IN DA CLUB GETTIN long term hearing loss

We got up this morning and took everyone back to Summer’s house. I stayed for just a little bit after she left for the gym, but then went home to take care of some housework myself. It was really nice outside, so I took advantage and vacuumed out every inch of the car. Mom stopped by on her way home from work to visit with Bác Vân and to get a Coco Rico.

Summer’s friend Jenna asked her out to Front Street Grill for dinner and drinks in the evening, so I agreed to tag along. We had a bit of time to kill, so as soon as Summer got here we left to wash the car on the way. Once we got settled in, Summer got some pretty good pasta and I got a pretty bad fillet. The band had quite a bit of trouble integrating with the bar’s sound system and ended up wheeling in their own. We were sat front and center, so once they got to playing we had to move outside to avoid permanent damage to our hearing.

It was really nice out, but the girls got cold and we had to move back inside. We sat at a table in the back, but it was still way too loud for me. It only got worse when the band took a break and the DJ cranked his cancer mixtape to 11, so we left shortly thereafter.

I’m really not much for fun.

An Unexpected Trip

This week went by really fast. We ran a few relatively easy lines in the morning, went to Mulan’s for lunch, then I had a little help again in the afternoon with some other projects. Then things got… different?

I gave Zach a bit more insight into my anxiety, and in return I learned of a new place to avoid. On our way out, Summer was walking by and mentioned that her quiz bowl team was being recognized at the high school game. She invited me to meet her there, and while normally this would have been an easy, “no,” I had just joked with her earlier in the day that, though I may not bring much to the table, I always show up when invited.

So I did.

I made myself as small as possible and sat through the first half of a high school football game. It was nerve-racking at a level I have not experienced in a long time. It wasn’t until later in the evening that I realized how long ago our paths had really crossed.

This place terrifies me.

Paperclips: 30,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000