Too Livery

Summer left this morning while I started on some laundry. I ended up having to dry my pants twice because I forgot to clean the lint trap after washing my new set of towels, but at least my house didn’t burn down. We both finished chores in time to get some lunch before the girls got home, so we decided to try a new place in town called Sam’s Southern Eatery. Evidently it’s a pretty good sized chain, so maybe they’ll last a little while in that location.

The food was really good and consistent, so it made sense learning that it wasn’t just some new local startup. The prices were high, but they weren’t too shy with the portions today. I had a feeling that wasn’t normal for the menu items we ordered, but it made it a worthwhile visit for us today. Summer had plenty of fried liver left over, and even I didn’t finish my fish and crab cakes.

It was drizzly all afternoon, so we headed back to her house for the evening and waited for the girls. They started chores when they got home, and I put on The Matrix Reloaded, which took us the rest of the evening to finish.

Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d’enculé de ta mère. It’s like wiping your ass with silk. I love it.

Fish and Burritos

We didn’t do much this morning. The kids ate whatever frozen food they could find, and I picked at some leftovers. Eventually I left for home as Summer went in for work, and the kids were left with a bunch of chores to avoid.

I played some Overwatch for a while before eventually taking a shower. The Reddit email digest I received today had a listing for some Salvinia minima in Arkansas, so I reached out and found out she happens to be in town, so hopefully I’ll have a local aquascaping friend soon.

As Summer got off of work and headed to the gym, I ran by Casey’s to discover they were out of their freebie, then continued on to Walmart to get dinner. Epic burritos are relatively cheap, quick, and easy. I managed to get most of the food ready before Summer made it home, and then I rolled and grilled burritos in a skillet. The kids wanted to watch Return of the Jedi with us, but fell asleep about halfway through. I guess sitting around watching TV and playing video games all day really tired them out.

Burrito in; burrito out.

Love is a Space Battlefield

Today felt really cold for all the wind. We had a little bit of a meeting this morning, but no projects. I eventually made it to the high school to work on a few things, but made it back to the shop for lunch. Seven of us agreed on Brick Oven, where I ordered the prettiest, but most disappointing salad I’ve had in a while. I think the $10 price tag was what made it most disappointing, because there was absolutely nothing complicated about its ingredients. It was just a bunch of iceberg lettuce, disguised under a ton of ranch and sriracha. All the flavor really just came from the heat, and it didn’t feel nutritious at all. I might as well have just sucked on a bottle of sriracha.

After lunch, I went back to the high school and tinkered with things. I’m pretty sure the sound system in the crimson room had incorrect parts to route the computer sound to the overhead speakers, but I don’t know who originally set it up or what they had in mind. I did the best I could, but at the end of the day it still just won’t work because it doesn’t have the right parts.

I went home for a little while after work before heading across town. I had to stop stop by Amanda’s to take a package inside for her, then made my way to my parents’ house. I got to see the new lighting along 12th street, and man was it an utter shitshow. The lights were way too bright and glaring, and cast way too much light outward right at eye level. They’d be cool with flame bulbs I guess, but at their current brightness they might as well just bulldoze the school and build the casino right there in the middle of all that light.

I didn’t stay for any length of time since Summer had picked up a bucket of chicken strips for dinner. The kids ate, and then Summer and I picked at what they were made to leave us. Noah sat everyone down to watch Star Wars: A New Hope. I think the girls started to fall asleep about halfway through the movie, but after it was over I played some stuff on YouTube until we all shuffled off to bed.

It’s good to be curious about many things!

Bridge Buster 5000

I spent most of my morning working in the engineering classroom trying to get their SSA1000 working over a serial connection. I ended up giving him my serial-to-USB cable, which got the machine talking to the computer, though the program still wouldn’t save data properly. It worked well enough that the kids could make do, though.

Allen wanted KFC, so I picked him up at the shop. It worked out well, since I didn’t have dinner at home. I kept busy in the afternoon, and spent a little time in the library with 1:1 stuff. Then I started on some laundry when I got home. I tried vacuuming some of the sand blasting media in my shrimp tank, and it worked reasonably well considering how many plants were in the way. I did find at least one tiny baby shrimp in the bucket afterward though, so I’ll have to leave it and try to get it back in the tank later when I can reliably see it.

Cast Away had been on my mind for a little while today, so I put it on for just a little bit before heading to bed early.

Coo coo for coconuts!

Blunt the Knives and Bend the Forks!

I got up this morning and picked up another breakfast pizza from Casey’s for the kids. It was a big hit as expected. The girls had fallen asleep in the middle of The Hobbit last night, so I played the first half of the 1977 cartoon to catch them up. Perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise how well they matched up, since they’re both adaptations of the same story. It became obvious which parts of the new movie were embellished and extended. The cartoon sort of just gets straight to the point, and for that reason it worked well to get everyone on the same page.

Noah had to work, so Summer took the kids and left me to spend the day at the house. I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately, and just felt bored and listless for most of it. I didn’t want to do anything, either for fun or to be productive. It stuck with me all weekend, just like the last. The only thing I accomplished was stacking a tower of Soylent that arrived over the past couple days.

Summer made dinner in the evening, so I joined them for some delicious pork chops, zucchini, and potatoes. Then we watched a couple episodes of Glee before bed.

So, carefully, carefully with the plates!

The Eagles Are Real Jerks

Summer went in to work for a little while this morning, so I left Eaddie to clean up. She picked up Noah when she got off, and I met the three of them at La Villa for lunch. We all filled up on bread, so there was plenty of food left to take home for later. They all went, at long last, to the climbing gym to fulfil her promise to Eaddie, while I went home for the day.

I felt so sleepy all afternoon and probably should have tried to nap and then be productive afterward, but the day was wasted instead. The girls went out with their father, so Summer brought Noah over for the evening, and the girls arrived shortly after their dinner. We settled in to watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, but the girls both passed out. I started to doze off a bit, and Summer was exhausted as well. We powered through, then went to bed.

See? Stories don’t have to be stretched out for no reason!

The Finale of Skywalker

We got up this morning and watched The Last Jedi while snacking on leftovers. I took a shower while Summer and Eaddie went to the gym, and then we left for Conway to see the final episode of this new trilogy.

We had a bit of time to kill, so we walked through Dollar Tree for a little while before walking to the theater. Autumn didn’t seem to have any trouble on her crutches for that little distance, so hopefully she doesn’t fuss too much about being back at school. I enjoyed the movie, and though a ton of it seemed like fan service, I felt like it did a pretty good job of wrapping up this new trilogy. I would have liked to see the new characters developed a bit better, but I guess we have the wasted second episode to blame for that.

It was dark by the time we got out of the theater, so we headed straight back home. I dropped the girls off and went home for the night so I could get ready for work again in the morning.

It hardly seems fair – I’d only just forgotten the sound of my alarm.

Scheduling Flop

I had to force myself out of bed a little earlier this morning in preparation for my return to work. Dad made banana pancakes, but Autumn didn’t want to go with me, and Eaddie didn’t answer her phone, so I went by myself. After breakfast, I picked Eaddie up and took her home before going home myself.

I froze all day long in my house, and could barely get anything done. I just sort of milled around all afternoon, picking at random things until I finally took a shower. Then I started messing with my new Cardo Packtalk system to try and figure out what buttons did what in the new firmware. I found it to be incredibly frustrating since they made so many changes from the manual to this firmware version. Hopefully I figured it out well enough to at least use the stupid thing more than once.

When Summer got home, we started talking about our plans to see The Rise of Skywalker tomorrow. Eaddie had her heart set on the climbing gym again, but the movie has been dropping off quickly in popularity and I wanted to see it before it left 3D XD. Summer hadn’t seen episodes seven or eight, but after we started The Force Awakens the girls remembered they had watched them with their father. Autumn went to bed partway through, but Eaddie begrudgingly toughed it out through most of it.

We’ll pick up The Last Jedi tomorrow before we leave town, and then hopefully The Rise of Skywalker can make up for how disappointed it makes me.


Chillin About Town

I woke up to an obnoxious cat this morning that came into the bedroom and crawled under the covers to aggressively lick my arm and nibble at any thin spots in my skin, presumably to eat me alive. Rather than allow myself to become a feline lunch, I left for home and cleaned up for some lunch myself. Mom made fish soup, and I needed to get my case of bananas to Dad, so I went across town for a while.

After lunch, I stopped by Julie’s to deliver some dried pork. We talked for a little while before I left for Lowe’s to peruse for some deals. I saw a butane torch listed online for cheap, so that was my primary objective, but the whole store was littered with bright yellow sale tags, and there was nobody with me to groan about my sifting through junk. Julie told me about a refrigerator that had been marked down significantly, but it was marked as sold by the time I found it. I did eventually find my torches, so I grabbed a handful for everyone. I may have to go back for a couple more now that I’ve had some time to play with one.

From there, I stopped by Superfast to see Summer before heading back home. I felt just a dash of inspiration that was quickly overrun with lethargy, so I wasted most of my time there until Summer was to be home. I headed up to pull out the leftovers, and we snacked for dinner. She brought Autumn home, who watched TV while Summer and I started on Glee. Then I watched the better part of The Matrix as she fell asleep.

It means buckle your seat belt, Dorothy because Kansas is going bye bye!

No One Mourns the Wicked

I slept in a little later than I meant to this morning. I had to wake Eaddie up to get her to her friend’s house, and then I stopped by the post office to return my first Fossil watch on the way home. I had a lunch date with Brandon, so I headed home to shower and then met him at Linh. He had come down to visit after moving again to Seattle, so we had a lot of catching up to do.

As soon as we finished, I headed home to change, then picked Summer up to head to Conway. I had a bunch of Kohl’s Cash to burn, and then we continued to Little Rock to meet Julie and my parents for dinner. They decided on Samantha’s Tap Room, and boy was I unimpressed. It felt like high prices and fine dining portions, but almost everyone’s food was overcooked and dry or tough. Our waitress was nice enough, but nobody wanted to send anything back. Having to pay for sides à la carte just added insult to injury. I felt like they just grabbed bottles of “Asian” sauce and used it wherever they could to seem worldly. I would have had to stop by a Wendy’s afterward if I hadn’t gotten some hunks of steak from Mom and Julie after I finished my lamb “lollipops.”

We all took Mom’s car to the Robinson Center for the show, and made it inside with plenty of time to spare. Julie had gotten us all tickets to see Wicked, which I’d wanted to see several years ago, but with little priority. It was an incredible story, though it was difficult for me to understand well over half of the words being sung. I was familiar enough that it didn’t have a huge impact on my enjoyment, but Mom apparently fell asleep during the first act. The intermission didn’t seem particularly necessary, but seemed nice anyhow. The set changes were awesome to see live, but I wished I had binoculars in spite of our relatively close seating.

After the show, it took us forever to get out of the parking garage. It seemed like they just cleared out everybody in front of us before we could leave. Once back to my car, Summer and I headed home, making one quick stop at the Conway Rally’s for some fries to fill my completely unsatisfied belly.

Like a ship blown from its mooring.