They See Me Enrollin’

Gary and I spent all morning enrolling Chromebooks for CBI classrooms. Then after an overpriced lunch at CJ’s, Amanda and I delivered most of them to the junior high. Zach joined us to install a touch panel at Sequoyah, and that pretty much made the work day. I pulled some more scrap out of the auditorium, but all the good stuff has really already been scrapped, and it still upsets me. I guess I just should have asked sooner.

I went home for a while after work to clean up, and then picked Eaddie up from an after school event. Summer made a big spaghetti dinner in preparation for her Conquer the Gauntlet run tomorrow. Autumn wasn’t having any of it, so some words had to be said. I’m nervous about getting everyone up and around in the morning, particularly because it didn’t seem like anyone showered before bed. I guess we’ll just have to see what happens.

Go to sleep doo doo doo doo doo doo.

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