The junior high started testing this morning, so I took that time to start cleaning out my office. I got some white space on my desk, which felt really good. Then I got some tech tubs over to the graveyard for storage, which freed up some floor space. I met Allen at New China for lunch, and he brought along a surprise Gary with him. I had to pregame for my birthday dinner at Brown’s Catfish tomorrow.
After lunch, I ran by Oakland for just a bit, then spent the rest of the afternoon at the junior high working on a few things. I ended the day working late to get Sandy’s lab ready for my first esports expansion. I kind of hope I have even more kids there this time, but a part of me thinks we won’t completely fill up the first lab tomorrow. I’ve done zero advertising for this week, so at this point I’m kind of just finding out whether these kids have this programmed into them automatically for weekly meets. I still need to meet with Al at the high school to see about gauging interest, and hopefully finding some help for coaching.
When I got home, I tried to get Grey to eat a little something, but neither of them really love the new can of food I opened. I did get her to eat a bunch of treats, but as soon as I put them near her wet food, she ignores it all. I should probably just give up on her fattening up, but she’s been so sweet.
The girls had leftovers for dinner, so I came up to join them. I finally got some of the spaghetti Summer made while I was sick. Then I played some Breath of the Wild until the girls went to bed. Summer and I finished the evening with a couple episodes of Parks and Recreation until she wanted to pass out.
We’re taking back HSTI!