I tried taking it kind of easy today, but it didn’t seem to help. I’m close to executing a strict Soylent diet. I wanted to ride the bike today, but was too afraid of how I might handle my medication. One of the first things I encountered this morning was a SMART board that a substitute had written on with a dry erase marker. It did not erase. Technology is hard, and I had a headache for pretty much the rest of the day.

Allen ended up taking me to Pizza Hut for lunch, where I was going to use a free P’zone coupon, but we both ended up getting the buffet and I took the P’zone to Summer. Gary and I chatted for quite a while after lunch about various work things, and then I had to go to the junior high for esports practice. I had Chrystal check my blood pressure first, since I had taken my first pill at lunch. To our surprise, I got a new high score of 190/110. I’m definitely dying.

I went to my parents’ house after work for bún bò Huế, which ended up taking longer to prepare than I expected. I tried to relax there as much as I could, and then ended up going home for an early bedtime.

I’m gonna be so mad if I die before “Endgame.”

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