Move It, Buster!

The clocks rolled back an hour last night, so of course I woke up fairly early and just lounged around with the cat until Summer got up. Eventually I got cleaned up, and we headed to Conway for a bit of shopping. We stopped by Kohl’s first, then Target before meeting Hannah and Dylan at Red Robin for lunch. They made the trip down after church, we ate, and then ran through Sam’s for a few things before heading on to Little Rock.

We got to Dave & Buster’s relatively early and went right in to play. I had picked up a Groupon for a “date night” pair of unlimited play cards a while back, and we had been meaning to make it down there to use them for the past couple months but just never made it. This was the last weekend before they expired, so I was feeling the pressure. They each came with 18 chips and unlimited free plays on any blue card readers, which basically eliminated anything new or that gave tickets.

It took us a little while to get used to the cards, since we were technically improperly using them for four people. We had to wait 60 seconds after scanning each card, so getting all four of us in the same racing game was a bit of a challenge. We did find that it worked well for shooters, since you could just keep scanning every minute to bank credits. We finished the entire 15-stage first chapter of Tomb Raider in a bit under an hour. At first I wasn’t sure I had made a good purchase, but I think at the end of it all they convinced me it was a good buy. It would have been less awkward to use them for just two people as intended, but I bet we could have made the kids share.

Nobody wanted to eat when we left, and it was getting a bit late anyway, so we headed on home, dropping the others off at their car along the way. I got home and cleaned up a bit before heading up to Summer’s for the evening.

A truck of Vick’s VapoRub crashed and spilled all over the highway.
There was no congestion for eight hours.

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