Not a Fan of the Wobble

I got up a little earlier this morning so I could go to Starbucks for their free holiday cup. It was a cheaper plastic than I expected, and they didn’t even use it for the drink I ordered, but the $5 caramel brulee latee was delicious in spite of how much it had cooled down by the time I got through the line. I was feeling pretty congested all morning, so I took a half sick day from work and spent it cleaning and trying to balance my ceiling fan. The cleaning alone helped the wobble an embarassing amount, but there’s still a sway at low speed that I just can’t shake (heh heh).

Summer and I met at Arby’s for some lunch before we had to start our days. She had a Chamber meeting, and I chose to show up for the last half of my day at work. I didn’t get a lot done, but it looked like not many at the shop did either because it had flooded again, and the worst yet. I left work after what felt like no time and went home to rest a bit before dinner with my parents.

The girls met me there once they finished with their activities, and then we all went to our homes for an early night of rest.

Proper story’s supposed to start at the beginning. Ain’t so simple with this one.

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