I got up a little earlier today, but focus was still a huge struggle. I just didn’t want to do anything. It’s been a little cooler with the rain the past couple days, and it just made me want to lay around and do nothing.
The only thing I really managed to accomplish today was pull a bunch of moss out out of the bathroom aquarium because it had gotten way out of hand, and choked out all my other plants. Hopefully the others take off again, but I had no idea how bad it had gotten.
Summer came home with a headache and was in bed by the time I got back. Autumn threw together some hamburgers super fast, and I got them grilled and fried up some fries. While I was finishing up the cooking, Kevin called just to catch up. I don’t think he’s ever reached out first, so it was a bit of a surprise. I may see if he wants to give us the tour of the Old Post bike trail when Eaddie’s ready to go up there.
After dinner, Autumn went straight to bed while the rest of us laid in bed watching TV for a bit. Then when Summer fell asleep, Eaddie and I continued with The Punisher. We’re only about halfway through the season, but the past couple episodes made it feel like we were nearing a conclusion. I wanted to watch more, but we were both tired and decided to turn in early.
Penny and dime.