Today was slow to start and slower to finish. I didn’t even bother going to the high school. There was enough randomness to sort through that I just stayed in Melinda’s seat all day. Jason came downstairs to help us out since there wasn’t really anything for him to do pertaining to an auditorium, so I got him going with imaging more laptops. Heather was out running around some more, doing who knows what.
I actually got a little annoyed that Ben went through my work orders and just reassigned a bunch of them to close, because it was all stuff that I had purposefully left open for some sort of action later. Him closing them would serve nothing more than to reduce my numbers on work I had already at least partially done. It didn’t really help with the stress of my work load either, because I’m still having to ignore things that I genuinely want to prioritize.
By the time lunch time had come and gone, Bryan decided he wanted to take a break, so he, Jason, and I all went to Morelos. It was cool getting out with someone new for a change, especially getting to know Jason a little better. He didn’t have much to gripe about, which seemed about right when you actually compare our jobs and our compensation.
After lunch was a bit more scattered for me, and probably not as productive as it could have been. It did put me in a good place to wrap up with hotspots tomorrow though, and then I’ll be left with figuring out how to get around the high school to start closing my own work orders.
I went home to change, but forgot to finish my Lenovo claims during the day, so I had to run back by the shop to get my laptop. Then I grabbed a free cinnamon roll from Casey’s on the way up to Summer’s. I spent most of my time there wrapping up my claims for work. I didn’t really get to spend any quality time with anyone.
On the way home, I had to stop by Walmart for some more cat food. Then it was an early evening to bed.