It’s a Brick…. House

I had trouble sleeping last night, and woke up in the night with a really sore left shoulder. My only guess was that it was from moving the workbench around in the garage. I ended up snoozing a bit late before getting up for work. Somehow I managed to make it in on time, but as soon as I got settled in, Zach asked me to cover testing for Josh so he could go fix a door.

I went to the middle school and found him in the library, then walked over to the fifth grade side to much fanfare. They didn’t need me for anything, but they were still excited to see me. Once Josh got back from removing the pebble that was holding the door open, we went back to the middle school library to image some computers and fix their printers.

Brody had called me several times already by this time, so I went to the junior high next to help with something there. He’s got some super weird gaps that I can only explain away by his youth. This is what happens when we obfuscate file paths and directory structures.

That got is through lunch, so we headed back to the shop just in time to see Zach and Gary had already left for BFD. We caught up and had lunch with some of the lesser service I’ve had there. Then I spent the afternoon at the shop working on the iMac.

After work, I took the girls to Summer’s shop. On the way we spotted a red Model 3 that looked to be the performance edition that I want. The red was much darker in person than I expected, but it was beautiful, even with its older chrome accents. From there, I headed home and started drilling out holes in the brick of my house. The larger drill bit wouldn’t stay in the drill, so I had to back off to a smaller one.

By some stroke of luck, I was just about perfect in my placement, and Dad came over with a hammer and chisel to knock the brick out. The test duct I stuck in the hole slid in with a little resistance, but then the new vent we bought slid in perfectly with just the right amount of wiggle room. We still didn’t have enough time to finish the job, but we finished the hardest part. All that’s left is to finish the run and seal the outside of the house.

This is Not a Drill: It’s Hammer Time!

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