
It started out cool and rainy today. I made it into the shop to discover someone had hidden my bead curtain and pirate flag. More on that later. It was pretty quiet at first, though my attention shifted away from the Apple yet again. This time it was for an AP testing app. The morning went by super fast, and before I knew it, it was time for lunch.

Gary and Zach chose Sam’s since we didn’t go yesterday. I got the jambalaya, which was awesome. For some reason it came out super late, so the others were halfway through their meals by the time I started. Then Gary surprised us by paying for our meals.

After lunch, I had to get my second COVID shot at central office. Gary and I went together, and while we were there, we were pulled aside several times to fix various things. That lead to the discovery that Jason had never set up PaperCut for them, and basically everything would be a rebuild from scratch. Already down in manpower, we left that to be a problem for Future Us.

When I left work, I stopped by Mark’s to try and help with something, but he didn’t have time to chat after I had been unsure of how I’d feel after getting my shot. Instead, I ran across the street to chat with Robert and Grant for a while. Then I went to my parents’ for a little bit.

Noah had taken the girls home from school, and Autumn was supposed to grill brats for dinner, so Summer had me run to the store for salad and buns. It wasn’t until we got home that we discovered the kids had gone to Brick Oven after school instead, so Summer and I went out for a quick date night.

I mentioned having gone to Sam’s for lunch, so she decided we should go again for chicken livers. I got my usual 3x3x3 which turned into 5x4x3. I also learned that I do not care for fried green tomatoes. I only ate a little bit of my food after feeling full from everything else, so we packed up our leftovers and I took Summer home.

By the time I got home, my shot arm had tightened to the point that it hurt all the time. I didn’t have a fever, but was cold enough to wear a robe. Hopefully I’ll feel well enough to go to work tomorrow, but only for the sake of winning this month’s attendance award. We’re halfway there.


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