I can’t stop missing out on gains. All day yesterday, Doge steadily dropped while I held on for dear life. Then I sold just seconds before it shot up. I tried playing the buy/sell game today, all for $75. It’s just not making me rich like I wanted.

Gary took Brody and me to Crawford to relocate a classroom setup because the kids in that room apparently just kick and bite, and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. It didn’t quite take us until lunch, but it was relatively close. We went to the shop for a little while, and then a group of us went to La Chiquita.

For some reason, there were a bunch of really big frogs thrown out in the parking lot. Someone must have hunted them and forgotten them in a cooler or something, and dumped them in the parking lot. It was either that, or a dark summoning portal.

After lunch, I stopped by Oakland for a signature and some hugs. Erica was there for lunch to visit, which was a nice surprise. I couldn’t stay too long though, and headed back to the shop for some more work.

I ended the day at the high school with Ethan, and we chatted briefly about robotics while I tried to troubleshoot his connection to a drone. Gary said Central Office went home at 3:30, so I left to trade vehicles before picking up Eaddie at Oakland. We ran into Michael, and I chatted to him a bit more about crypto before we went home.

Eaddie and I watched a couple episodes of House before Summer got home. They were hungry, and I still had to get Autumn from a band cookout at the marina, so I picked up some KFC on the way back up. From there, it was a quiet night in with various ailments.


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