Who Knows Why Madmen Do What They Do?

Summer took Autumn to work and Eaddie home late this morning while I got cleaned up. Eaddie said last night that she wanted New China, and I had been craving it earlier in the week, so I took Bác Vân and Doug to meet the girls and my parents for lunch.

After we ate, I came back home and started to doze off, so I broke down and took an hour nap. I woke up a bit groggy, but only because I was still short on sleep. I had to get up to the girls though, so we could meet Noah and his friend Wade at UEC for The Suicide Squad.

I didn’t realize how gory it would be, but maybe I should have. I hadn’t really looked into it much, so everything about it was a fresh surprise with plenty of good twists. The kids enjoyed it. I hated that it was in one of the four smallest theaters, but at least it was for the matinee price. A couple came in with two adolescent boys that sat down in the front area and wouldn’t shut the hell up. It was like a really lame Mystery Science Theater without any jokes.

After the movie, we picked up Autumn and headed to my house for the evening. I had to take Autumn to the high school to pick up her flag while Eaddie went out for a bike ride. Then I started some laundry while we watched a few episodes of House before bed.

A little Xtra

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