I was exhausted on the way in this morning, but the car was a champ. Something misted all over me on the way in, so it was impossible to tell that I had just washed it. I got there reasonably early to no acclaim. Nobody seemed to be in a big rush to do anything, which was funny because Randy got fired up when the new coach made a comment to Jim about how we were so inefficient.
I spent most of the day tinkering with Mosyle and trying to clean up old work orders, but didn’t really accomplish anything of merit. I took lunch by myself and got a Big Mac, then made it back in time for a conference call with Fortinet about their cybersecurity training program for our staff.
I left just a couple minutes early and charged quite a bit, then made it home to an excited dog. Eaddie had played with Muad’Dib when she got home, so he was in a good mood after lying around all day. I ate first, with him by my feet, then took him on a good run through the neighborhood. The wind was howling and it got super cold, but we had a great time. We went to see my parents, then made it home to see Summer.
Muad’Dib spent a bunch of time inside with me while I unboxed some more Vine stuff, and then Eaddie played with him some more when he got back home. I built a little bookshelf I got for the game room, and then it was off to bed.
Six hours later….