The Gangover

The cats woke everyone up this morning. It was a lazy day of cold pizza, The Jackbox Party Pack, and Life of Pi. It really is an incredible movie.

I took everyone home after dark and hung out there for a little while before heading back home so I could get back to the slow grind at work in the morning.

My life is all games.

What are Traditions: New Year’s Eve 2017

I spent most of the afternoon cleaning house in case anyone wanted to come over for New Year’s Eve. I had originally planned to have a fire, but it was too cold and windy for that. We decided to get some pizza and stay in for a movie instead. Summer and the girls were the only ones that wanted to do anything, so I picked them up along with some Domino’s to watch a movie before counting down to the new year. I had some trouble with our first movie choice, and somehow we settled on Leonardo DiCaprio’s Romeo and Juliet while we ate. Then we played some music around midnight, and ended the night with The Jungle Book.

Everyone pretty well passed out, so I guess it was a success.

Good luck, 2018…

Dinner and a Movie

I slept in a bit today, then got up to get ready for another trip to Conway with Summer. We wanted to catch the new Jumanji movie in the afternoon before a little shopping and a couple of steaks.

The movie was pretty great. It definitely had a different feel to it, but I liked how it pulled straight from the old movie and made it something new. I didn’t realize it, but Summer said it was her first 3D movie. She seemed to really enjoy it. I made the mistake of getting up near the end of the movie to refill the popcorn and my drink, and ended up missing the climax, but I imagine I’ll get the movie for home in 3D once it’s available.

After the movie, we went to the new shopping center on Dave Ward to see what was there. We stopped in the PetCo there, and it seemed like all the animals were in relatively poor health, which was surprising considering the neighborhood. After leaving there, we stopped by Old Navy and grabbed a few things. I returned a defective pair of jeans and grabbed a new sport coat, and by that time we were ready for dinner at Logan’s.

Once we finished eating, we headed straight back toward home, stopping at Blackwell to restock before New Year’s Eve tomorrow. Then when we got back home, we watched Kevin Hart’s What Now on Netflix. He was better in the movie.

She understands the intent.

Burger? I hardly know ‘er!

I spent most of the morning earning winter loot boxes in Overwatch. Around 11 o’clock, Mom asked if anyone was awake and said she was preparing chow mein, so I gave her three hours before heading over there to eat. She was still preparing it, and at that point I still needed to take a shower and wasn’t in the mood to wait, so I left.

After my shower, I found myself in a mood, but Summer invited me over to grill burgers. We ate, played some Bingo, then watched The Rocketeer. One more day, then it’s back to work for a couple half days.

Oh, slow down. I think this shit is killing your brain.

What are Traditions: Christmas 2017

Why post a portrait when you already got everyone’s best sides?

After just a few hours of sleep, I managed to get up early enough for Summer to come over and watch my Christmas movie, Gremlins with me. When lunch was ready, she left and I headed to my parents’ house to meet up with family.

Julie wanted to take us all to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi in the evening, so I invited everyone over to watch The Force Awakens to refresh ourselves on the new storyline. Julie and Andy left almost immediately because my cats tried to murder her immune system, but my parents and I finished the movie.

I killed the rest of the evening time waiting to go to the movie, then met everyone at the theater. I thought the movie was pretty entertaining, but the plot did feel a bit contrived. Overall, I guess it did its job of passing the baton. Someone in charge definitely made an attempt to follow the recent trend of making serious movies funnier. It didn’t completely fit with tradition, but it got some cheap laughs.

It’s all a machine, partner. Live free: don’t join.

Double Trouble

We only had to work a half day today. Ben sent us to inventory projectors in our buildings, and I was able to finish both of my buildings thanks to the overly detailed inventory I took at the beginning of the year.

A few of the guys went out to lunch together, but I had plans to meet Brandie at Stoby’s. I had shunned her for a year after failing to invite me to the Asurion Christmas party last year. She said they didn’t even have one this year, so I let her off the hook with an apology for underestimating my love for hors d’oeuvres. She also gave me a tiny Lego-ish Christmas tree. That’s two trees for me this year, somehow tripling my previous high score.

After we ate, I helped her pick up some 90 ounces of refried beans from Taco Villa so she and her family could make homemade bean burrito things. I still don’t get why they didn’t just refry their own beans, or even buy some cans. It would have been significantly cheaper, and less weird than carrying a box full of drink cups filled with refried beans. She also finally returned my PS3 that I had loaned her years ago. I’m not really sure what to do with it now, though.

From there, I went to Summer’s place and hung out with her for the rest of the evening. She made Frito taco salad-y stuff for dinner after we picked up some things from Walmart, then we played The Game of Life with the girls before settling in for Aladdin. I kept dozing off, but it’s okay because it’s Christmas break!

To make things even better, I got my USB ethernet adapter in, so my PC is back in business.

Instead of having a Christmas rush, could we just.. not?

Christmas Filets

Summer wanted to get some Christmas shopping done in Conway today, so I got myself up early and we made the trip. Traffic was pretty dumb, but overall it wasn’t that bad being around that many people in the stores. We stopped at Logan’s for lunch fillets before walking down the other side of the strip mall. On the way out of town, I showed her Game Point, and she marveled at all of the old video games they had.

Once back to town, I dropped her off at home before heading home myself for a little while. She invited me along to see Ferdinand with the kids, which was interesting. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a family movie in a theater, so I didn’t even really register the trailers as movie trailers so much as cartoon shorts. It was kind of nice to not take things so seriously though, with all the other random screaming kids in there. It was a good time.

You can’t see me, my time is now!

If only we were amongst friends… or sane persons!

I rolled out of bed at a mostly reasonable time today and wasted most of the morning until Jennifer texted me about having a fire. I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up and getting ready for company. It was too windy to have a fire outside, so they came over with some pizza and we watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It really wasn’t anything like I expected, but I enjoyed it. At least now I can cross it off my list of missed pop culture icons.

After that, we watched some random YouTube videos for a while until Becky decided to head back home. Jennifer and I started watching Con Man between conversations until we were both hungry enough to warrant a trip to Waffle House. The burger I had didn’t taste like their usual, and I’m not sure if it was a different burger, or if they changed the only burger patty they had. I didn’t care for it quite as much as the regular burger, but I didn’t notice a non-angus burger on the menu.

After we ate, I took Jennifer home, then came home for bed just after sunrise. It’s been quite a while since I’ve stayed up that late, but it was entertaining.

Why, do you think I should?