First Bath

Summer and I got up this morning and went to Hardee’s for breakfast. She planned to go home afterward, so we drove separately but then took mine back home when we realized I forgot our coupons. Their biscuits were awesome again, and I was glad the recipe hadn’t changed like I thought from a prior visit. They must have just had an off day.

When we finished, I went home to get some quarters and then went to the car wash to get some of the dust and grime off of the 3. I’ve driven it so much in the rain that it’s actually stayed relatively clean, but there was a bit of grime on the back end that I wanted to clean off, not to mention fingerprints showing up on the door handles.

I decided to drive around town a bit to dry off, and went toward my parents’ house. I called Brody to see if he was home, but they were only just leaving church. I chatted with him for a moment before going in to talk to Mom until Dad got home from church. She was being critical of the car again, so I did some quick math to calculate how much I’ve had to spend on fuel. I actually figured it would be more, but it costs me about 0.8 cents per mile for electricity when charging at home, versus a lifetime average of 13.8 cents per mile for gas for the Murano. I know mine is beyond overkill, but having a small, electric commuter just seems like a complete no-brainer.

I finally headed back home to shower before picking up Summer to go to Walmart. We picked up a Yonanas machine on clearance, just out of curiosity, and then went across the store for dinner. Eaddie wanted stir fry, so we got a ton of vegetables and headed home to cook.

Summer and I prepped veggies as quickly as we could, and then I stir fried everything together. It barely fit in the wok, and I overcooked things a bit again, but it still turned out really good. We had things split into “long” and “short” cook bowls, but I really need to split it up better in the future to keep things from getting mushy.

The early evening dragged on a bit just because I wasn’t used to the time change yet. When Summer was ready for bed, I found Weird: The Al Yankovic Story on the Roku channel and we watched the first half of it. I couldn’t quite tell if she was serious when she made comments about it being a true story, but I enjoyed the show. It was longer than I expected, so I look forward to finishing it soon.

Oh Tres, you’ve got chips all over your face. :(

40 and 21

Today was Gary’s 40th birthday, which just reminded me how close I am to mine. He said the air unit in our core server room had gone out, so he had to come to work at two in the morning. Thomas was out, so we didn’t have an agenda for our meeting, but it was still really short. After everyone else was run off, Gary and I chatted with Jeff to give him a little bit of training.

I was a bit scattered for most of the day, and was pulled in a few different directions. Tammy’s son came by, and she asked if I would give him a ride in the Model 3. She came along too, for a loop around the neighborhood. Then I spent some time in Photoshop and worked on my meeting minutes.

Jeff came back to have lunch with us, but Jacob still wouldn’t. It ended up being Gary, Kyle, Josh, Jeff, and me because Zach went to wait for maintenance to show up at the server room. We thought he would catch up to us, but ultimately he just had Gary make an order to go. That meant I paid for four meals, but Zach paid me back for his and Jeff’s.

Shortly after we got back from lunch, Dale and Neletta stopped by. She chatted with Tammy while he, Zach, Gary, and I gabbed in Zach’s office. Eventually I got around to offering a ride, and I let him drive my car up the road a ways. He had lots to talk about, and enjoyed the performance, but I don’t think it’ll make him start voting democrat any time soon.

The rest of the afternoon was super quiet, and I’m pretty sure nobody else actually worked a full day. I stayed a little late putting the finishing touches on my CPPC email, and then I headed home to see what Terminix had finished with at the house.

I hadn’t had a chance to show Bác Vân or Doug my car yet, so I stopped by to take them around the block as well. She really liked how clean it was inside. Then I went home to reset one of my wireless access points for her and then killed a bit of time before going to Summer’s.

On the way, I finally remembered to return the unused sprayer hose to Lowe’s. When I got to the house, Summer was on the couch watching TV while the girls were picking up food. I warmed up some leftovers for myself and then laid on the couch with her until she got up to go to bed. I got pretty tired pretty early, so I took the opportunity for some extra sleep.


The Good Witch

Tammy decided she would take a ride to get donuts this morning, and she continued to be the person in the office that is the most excited about my car. The rest of the day was super quiet. I went to Oakland for a bit to try and figure out how to make Incident IQ better. I showed Mollie some tricks in the system, and she said she would try to come up with some suggestions.

Back at the shop, I gave Melissa a ride around the block. Then lunch time came around, and Zach and I were the only two around to go. We ended up at Morellos, and a bus drove by with about three kids hanging out the back windows, screaming about the Tesla. I think the red was a good choice.

The afternoon dragged on, even after Melinda showed up in a red cape with a giant basket full of candy. She sat in the back and talked with Zach and me for a while, and then finally took her pumpkin and Jesus mugs with her. On the way out, Tammy brought up my new toy again, so I had to take Melinda around the block as well.

When quitting time finally arrived, everyone was ready to get out of there. I went home and immediately started some laundry. While that was going, I tinkered with the car some more to try and figure out Wi-Fi. Some of the features just aren’t very intuitive, but they’re easy to remember once you realize how to access them.

Once laundry was done, I headed up to Summer’s for the evening. I had to argue with Eaddie for a moment about some math homework, but in the end I was right as usual. Then it was quickly off to bed.

Why waste lucrative drugs on candy? That just doesn’t make sense.

It Accels at That

Tres didn’t quite make it to my charge limit overnight, but had plenty for the day. When I got to the office, the parking lot was mostly empty. I could tell that Kelsea and Kyle were there, and I eventually found Travis in the shop, but otherwise it was a ghost town. Tammy walked in several minutes late and immediately came back to ask me if I bought a new car, and then insisted that I was fooling her.

Zach eventually showed up with Greg, apparently after picking him up at the Toyota dealership. They didn’t say much, but I eventually convinced Zach to go to London with me to investigate a gym sound system. We went to Dwight on the way back into town, and then got to the shop just in time for lunch.

Zach took Greg and me to Taco John’s, where we saw Allen waiting in the parking lot. We spotted Wesley inside, who was finishing up his own lunch, but came to visit with us while we ate. It was a pretty quick lunch, but nobody was in a big rush to get back. We dropped Greg back off at the dealership first, and then I ended up going to the high school with Kelsea to reset a door controller. She just wanted to ride in the car, but we ended up walking around the high school a bit to chat with folks.

Kyle came back to the shop at the end of the day and just sat on my couch to talk about how little he had to do for the day. It appeared to me that he only had nothing to do because I was still closing out his old work orders from the beginning of October.

When quitting time came around, I went to my parents’ house to see if Dad wanted to go for a drive. He took us around Skyline and back home, getting to experience full Sport Mode acceleration. Mom got home from work just as we pulled back into the driveway, and decided to try it out herself. She didn’t drive nearly as far, but somehow we convinced her to floor it briefly as well. I think they were impressed, and I know that I was.

Summer asked me to pick up Eaddie after her robotics practice, and she seemed pretty immediately moody. We had to meet her grandparents at Walmart because she forgot her flute and other accessories in her car when they took her to the orthodontist. After that, we took the car home to charge, I changed, and we headed up to their house for the evening.

The girls were in their rooms all evening. Summer showed up after the gym, and we picked at leftovers. Then I tried to get to bed before it got too late.

I just want the music to work reliably!

I Trust You Completely

Mom and Dad both snored for most of the night, and I’m convinced they would both sleep better if they would just commit to their CPAPs. I tossed and turned a bit myself, and had trouble staying asleep after going to bed so early. I finally got out of bed around 6:30 and had to re-apply for my loan because it had been too long since I actually ordered the car. The application went through fine though, and then to my surprise, it looked as though I could have paid directly from my savings account. My Arvest account actually had both transfers, so I actually had twice what I needed. I’ll have to get cash to pay Summer back now.

I took a shower, and then everyone got up and around for breakfast. The biscuits were surprisingly good, and I didn’t eat so much that I felt sick the rest of the day. Summer took a shower when she got back to the room, and then we loaded everything back up for checkout. Our first stop was an Oriental market, but Mom wasn’t super impressed. For some reason she expected it to be all Vietnamese products.

When we finished there, we headed to the Tesla dealership early. It rained the entire day without letting up, so we just did our best to work around it. Nobody seemed particularly interested in talking to us, so as soon as the app would let me, I accepted the delivery. Summer and I drove around the parking lot before I came back in to talk to someone. The guys in the service bay didn’t seem to be doing anything, but the guy I asked about panel gaps said they were booked solid and that I would have to schedule a service appointment in the app. He suggested it could all be done with mobile service, but that wasn’t an option in the app, and he disappeared before I could go back and ask him. I was actually able to fix the gap I was most concerned about, so I just signed one piece of paper, and we were off.

Mom got a little fussy and didn’t want to do anything else, so I told them to go on home if they didn’t want to do anything else. We drove down to a gas station on the corner to move things over to my car, and then they left for home. Summer was a bit hungry and picked a Chinese buffet in Nevada where we could charge after, and we were off.

The buffet was pretty small compared to what we have at home, but the food was really good. Ironically, the place was called Chinese Chef, but the old lady at the counter was Vietnamese. We talked a little bit while I waited for Summer to finish cleaning up, and then we went a little ways down the road for my first Supercharger experience at a Casey’s. The process was super simple, and I poked at options in the car while we waited.

The drive wasn’t too bad, but it took me a while to get used to any of the autopilot features. It really took me about half the entire trip to be really comfortable with how it operated, and by then it felt really natural. We stopped in both Lowell and Ozark because the rain was absolutely killing my efficiency. The first charge was actually the slowest because we stopped so early with a battery that was already mostly full. The second two charges went much faster, though I did have to switch stalls in Lowell when the first one errored out. The stop in Ozark was really just so that we would make it back home with plenty left in the pack.

We stopped at my parents’ house to get Summer’s car, then went to my house to unpack. I got my mobile charger hooked up directly to the wall because I couldn’t get the UPS to stop fussing. Then we went up to her place for the evening. Eaddie was the only one that came out to greet us, so we talked to her for just a moment before bed.

Driving by myself is super stressful when the car gets to take over for all the easy parts!

In Transit

Our meeting was fairly short this morning, as they’ve only come up with about three agenda items per week. That will grow as we bring in the two new-hires though, and we’ll continue the tradition of learning the flow of data every year and a half when we lose people. I was left mostly to myself, so I picked at a few things in my office before going to Oakland. I didn’t notice when I’ll actually start moving to Dwight, but I’m not really stoked about it.

I came back to the shop for lunch, and a few of us went to Zaxby’s. After we ate, we noticed a semi with a trailer full of identical grey Teslas going down Main Street. I had to get gas in the Shadow anyway, so I followed it until the guy parked in the turning lane at Chick-fil-A and ran across the street. I figured he was just stopping for lunch, because he was on the road again by the time I finished getting gas.

On the way back to the shop, I saw a girl tip-toeing her sport bike down the road by Summer’s new car wash, so I turned around and helped her push it over to 2nd Street. She fussed a bit about having just purchased the bike, and how they had trouble with the shift lever. They had it rigged together with some wire, and the whole linkage just fell apart. I made sure she was okay, and continued back to work when she insisted that she was fine and someone was on the way.

The afternoon was really quiet, and I spent some time cleaning out my old cubby in the office. I threw out an armful of stuff that I was saving, because my perception of value has changed quite a bit since I first started and was using that cubby. Now that I have an office, I should make room for the new techs.

When I left work, I decided to ride by Allen’s house to see if he was home. His car was there, and the front door was open, so I popped in to surprise him the day before his birthday. He was happy to see me, and we chatted for quite a while. I caught him up on all the goings-on at work, and he talked about going hunting tomorrow.

Apparently Eaddie wanted to play hooky and stayed home from school all day. Summer let her, since her lowest grade was a 94%. Autumn had to perform at an away game after school, so she was gone all evening. When I finished at Allen’s, I asked Eaddie if she wanted to go get her bike, and she quickly responded that she did. I went to pick her up, and she took off as soon as we got to my parents’ house. I stuck around for just a little bit, but they were busy either eating or watering the garden.

I went home to clean up before Summer got home. Bác Vân was outside for a little bit, and asked me to mow some of the tall grass in my front yard. I knocked that out really quickly, but then she wanted to buy my mower because she was aggravated with her own gas mower. I just kept telling her I could mow when the season comes around again.

Summer originally wanted to have a fire, but I was glad I didn’t waste the effort. She didn’t leave work until super late. Eaddie never made it home, and instead stopped at Maristella’s house. She asked me to pick her up, forgetting our conversation just minutes earlier that we had to wait for Summer to get back with the Murano. I brought her home, and then we went back for the bike once Summer arrived. They both wanted Casey’s pizza for dinner, so I ordered that before we left, and then we stopped at Kroger for some juice before getting the pizza. I ordered their beer cheese breakfast pizza and a barbecue brisket pizza, and the brisket was surprisingly good.

After we ate, we settled on watching the first two episodes of She-Hulk. I was glad I did, because I had forgotten who a couple of the characters were from the very beginning. I didn’t even realize how neglected some of those characters were as the story kept moving along. Eaddie quickly went to bed afterward, since she has a robotics event tomorrow. Autumn came over as soon as she got back to town, and Summer was quick to bed.

It must have fit, because it shipped!

She’s a Brainiac, Brainiac on the Floor

I got a request to shuffle a bunch of stuff at Support Services yesterday, so first thing this morning, Gary, Zach, Greg, and I went over to take care of that. It ended up being way easier than I expected, and we knocked it out pretty quickly, even after we lost Zach to go watch his kid do a firefighter challenge at Sequoyah.

Afterward, I went back to my office and started in on my Network+ videos again until lunch time. It was Brody’s last day, so most of us got together and went to Cicis for lunch. While we were there, Aaron and a couple other guys from the bank came in, and he snuck up behind me to say, “hi.”

Summer had gotten a call from the neurologist that they could see her in the afternoon, which was way better than waiting for the middle of December, so she came back to town and picked me up after lunch. We went straight to their office and waited for them to open back up from lunch so we could fill out paperwork before talking to the doctor. The meeting actually went really well, and he put us at ease right away. The abnormality was some possible shrinkage of her frontal lobe that could possibly have been greater than average, but he didn’t feel like that had anything to do with the symptoms that brought her to the doctor in the first place.

Summer did a few cognitive tests with varying results, and he referred us to UAMS, which we’ll probably do at the start of next year after her deductible resets. She still felt a bit off with a headache, but I talked her into going to my house to clean up, since I had been gone from work long enough to take the remainder of the day off.

I poked around in the garage when I got home, and cleaned and organized a few more things. Summer befriended a beautiful white dog with white eyes, who I’d seen wander around the neighborhood in the past. We tested the couple of scrapped TVs I brought home, and one of them appeared to work without any trouble. The other was clearly physically broken on the left side, but it would be fine for someone that just needs one that works at all. We loaded up the better one to take to her house, and then I ran around looking for some feet. I thought I had some in my office, but I finally came back home and found them there.

Up at Summer’s house, Eaddie was already dressed down for the evening. Summer made Rice Krispies Treats, and eventually Autumn showed up from whatever she had going on. I had gotten a message that my VIN was assigned, so I hopped online to try and finalize my Progressive quote. Since the delivery is happening so late in the year, I’m actually getting a 2023 year model, which is pretty neat. I won’t have ultrasonic sensors, so I’m annoyed that some features may be temporarily disabled, but hopefully it won’t take long for that to be corrected. I had trouble making the insurance changes myself because the new year model wasn’t even in the system yet, so I had to spend quite a while chatting with support to get the changes made. My rate will be higher than I thought, but still only about half of what State Farm wanted for just one car.

The girls all wound down pretty quietly, so I surfed my nightly deals, got a little distracted, and eventually made it to bed.

We are so close to being able to speak of Tres!

We Do Not Speak of Tres

I didn’t sleep great last night, but I wasn’t nearly as cranky as the girl in front of me on the way to work. She flicked a cigarette butt out her window and slowed down to practically a stop before crossing the railroad tracks, and I guess she thought I was riding her tail, because she flipped me off. Then she flipped me off again and started screaming out her window at me when we were next to each other at the stoplight. She was amped up on something.

The workday started with running over to the new early childhood offices to hook up phones. Gary said he hooked phones up for them, but they told me yesterday that they didn’t have any. I should have just saved myself the trip and taken the phones over there to begin with, because apparently Gary was remembering the other end of the building. I had to run back a second time because not all of the lines were terminated, and Greg had to help me find one that wasn’t even hooked up at the switch. It was pretty frustrating at first, partly because of how hot and humid it was.

I never did catch anything in my critter traps either. I had the largest one set up in the front hallway with a couple sheets of paper with “Affirmation” and “Kindness” written on them. I honestly thought it would get more laughs, even if I couldn’t capture any kids’ hearts. I was just proud to put what I had learned in sensitivity training to work.

We went to Taco John’s, and I had a relatively light lunch. Then it was back to the grind in the afternoon. I went to Oakland to clean up a bunch more tickets, and I’ve still got more to go. I’m not happy about playing musical touch panels, but I’ll have to swap a couple 65-inch displays for 75, and then re-mount the 65s in a couple new rooms.

After work, I went straight to my parents’ house to drop off the largest trap, since I was pretty sure whatever we had wouldn’t trigger it. I ended up sticking around for some leftovers that they were trying to clean up. Then, almost on a whim, we discussed some of our future plans and my wanting to invest in my future. Summer’s car has been reliable, but finding a low tire yesterday really triggered me, on top of not wanting to drive it past the need for new tires in the first place. It’s just time to go, and we all agreed that it was time for something n3w.

I went home for the evening and finished up some really brief paperwork. Summer and I chatted for a little while, and then it was off to bed as early as I could.

haha yes