Afternoon Social

I stopped by the shop this morning for some help with LanSchool. Ben pointed me at a couple things that I missed, but in the end it didn’t matter because my setup was already working and I just didn’t know it.

My FedEx package came in just before lunch, so I headed home then to get it. I grabbed some Burger King nuggets on the way so I could have them with leftover mashed potatoes for lunch. While I was home, I saw an article that Project Fi is rebranding to Google Fi, and opening the doors to other previously incompatible phones. They also changed their (ultimately) half-off Pixel 3 promotion for a full-price Pixel 3 with an equal-value travel gift card, plus a $100 referral credit. I had to stop and think about that one for a while.

I didn’t really do anything after lunch, except sit and socialize with Gary. It was mostly work-related chat though, and I got some more insight into the inner machinations of the technology hive mind. I spent a little more time chatting with Ben, then bounced around until the work day was over.

From there, I headed straight home to bring the Nintendo Switches inside, that had been delivered a couple hours earlier. At least the UPS guy delivered them to the front door. FedEx only rang my doorbell after he saw my note requesting it. I still have screen protectors on the way, so unfortunately they’ll have to stay in the boxes until those arrive.

When Summer finished at the gym, I headed over to pick everyone up, and we went to CiCi’s for dinner. Noah and Eaddie wanted to go to PetSmart with me, but Autumn had homework, and Summer had exactly what you would expect to have after an evening at CiCi’s, so we compromised and went straight home for the evening.

To wrap up the evening, Summer agreed that signing up for Google Fi would be her best option right now, so I sent the referral, checked the credit, paid sales tax on a phone, and now we’re playing the waiting game. I’m so jelly.

What’s the deal, yo?

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