How Am I Supposed to Breathe with No Air?

It hardly felt like friday after such a tough week. I came in half expecting to be able to run the show again, but Jason was there to mess with that. Somehow we convinced him to let us go home at lunch if we found all but at least 10 of the Chromebooks we were still missing. I spent the morning crunching numbers and directing people to campuses. Then Gary and I spent most of the morning at Dwight.

We got down to about 11 missing, and I think Amanda was the most upset about it. Evidently Allen saw Gary’s leftovers from BFD yesterday and decided that he had to have some of that for lunch today, so we took him and Jason down to try it. Our server was the only one there, and the place filled up really fast. He did his best to keep up, and did well at it, but it definitely felt like amateur hour for the owner to be working. I got the lunch special this time, but I think I ended up inadvertently convincing him to charge me extra for my drink. In any case, everyone loved it, but unfortunately nobody had time for dessert this time.

After lunch, Gary, Amanda, and I went to the junior high to try and track down a single Chromebook that likely shouldn’t have ever been on the campus. By the end of the day, we got down to nine serial numbers that weren’t accounted for, but a whopping 23% missing chargers. Jason was content to put that off until a later date rather than get a count of them now for some reason, so I gave up for the week.

We left work at 3, and I went home to start crunching numbers on my great air conditioner/heat pump debate. I lost count of how many hours I spent on it, but when I finally got up and went to my parents’ house, Dad convinced me that it just wasn’t worth it for a super high SEER unit. I still think I’ll go for a heat pump, but probably get one with a split gas furnace as well.

I left after eating some spaghetti and headed to Summer’s, where I flailed past a porch light of swarming bugs and into a sauna of no air conditioning. At first I thought it might be the filter, because I’ve always noticed it looking super dirty. I struggled to pull it away from the wall because it was so clogged, but that wasn’t the issue. Outside, the compressor wasn’t running either. Autumn and I ran to Walmart to try and find a replacement filter so we wouldn’t look like such jackasses for having such a filthy one, but they were completely out. I had Autumn call her grandparents to see if she could go back there for the evening, and then dropped her off before meeting Summer at my parents’ house.

We didn’t stay up long, but she did have to lay and marvel at the glowing things in my old bedroom for a bit. I’m running out of alternative air conditioned sleeping arrangements, so I guess it’s time to bite the bullet.

Why is the heat following me around?

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