Everybody It’s On!

It stormed for the first part of today. I went to the high school to help recover some files before making it to the shop where I spent the rest of the day tinkering with a deployment. Five of us went to La Chiquita for lunch, and the food was surprisingly bland.

I had a Classified Personnel Policy Committee meeting in the afternoon, and immediately followed that with my first Moderna COVID shot. The nurse that gave me the shot said she had a warning for me, but didn’t actually tell me until she had already stuck me. They said that I would likely have an adverse reaction to at least one of the two shots since I had a bad case of the real COVID. Fortunately it never got bad, since I didn’t have any Tylenol around like they suggested.

I finished up the day in Ethan’s lab again, and then it was straight home for the evening. I hadn’t slept great last night, then had what felt like a sinus infection since I woke up. I don’t know if I was just tired from that, or if the shot made me feel extra tired on top of that. I laid down for a while and started to doze off a bit, so I got up to finish my routine before bed.

Johnny, Clint, and Josh were online so I hopped into TeamSpeak for a bit while I finished my chores, and then it was off to a super early bedtime.


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