On Mortality: Seth Yarbrough

I took my first half-day off at work today. I wish it were under better circumstances.

Allen lost his son earlier this week. He was my age, but had been in poor health for quite some time. I’d never met him, but I wanted to be there for Allen, as did most of the rest of our crew. After lunch, I drove Dale, Ryan, and Heather to Perryville for the funeral. Several of Seth’s friends came up with stories to share, which was really nice.

We didn’t stay long after the service since we didn’t really know anyone else there. I’m hoping I can get Allen to come out for some asphalt therapy this weekend, but we’ll see.

JNCO Jeans are coming back, right?

Toxikk Surprise

I’ve been playing catchup lately because of the sporadic schedules at the schools. It’s the home stretch, and everyone knows it. I’ve had a ton of trouble getting Minecraft: Education Edition working, and I’ve decided that it’s terrible. Just terrible. They charge us $5 per student per year, and there seems to be very little official documentation, and not much more community help. So far the official support form seems relatively fast during business hours, but otherwise I wouldn’t recommend it as something you would actually pay money for.

After work, I came home and found a surprise in my mailbox in the form of a game I had preordered/supported almost three years ago. I was so happy to see it finally released in physical form, and because of the delays in getting it published, the “team seniors,” which I assume are the original developers and creators of the game. Unfortunately the game never picked up a lot of steam, and it seems to be dead. Like everything else I love. C’est la vie.
Nothing. Nothing is keeping me from ordering cat food online.
It’ll be here Friday. And I can get more just by asking my house.
Because this is the future.

Diamonds! No, lapis.

I ran into my old friend David at lunch today. I hadn’t seen him in probably a couple years, so it was awesome to get to catch up. I always loved riding with him, but he hasn’t had a bike since his big wreck a few years ago. The only solution is twin Slingshots.

After school, I met up with a couple of the summer school teachers to play around in Minecraft. I take for granted the gamer’s intuition I’ve had for years. The kids had to teach them how to climb stairs by jumping.

When I got home, I played some Overwatch with Clint for celebratory anniversary loot boxes. Totes pwned some n00bs. I think I spent most of the night on fire. I guess the break from Overwatch did some good for me.

I’m not sure what’s keeping me from ordering cat food on Amazon.

We’re watching you…

I got to meet with our security software vendors today, and got a bit of an overview of how things work. They took us out to Fat Daddy’s for lunch, which was nice. It didn’t seem like they left a tip though, so I dropped some cash on my way out. After lunch, a bunch of the guys that actually use the security software came down for a reason I don’t fully comprehend. I guess it was sort of a Q&A, but most of it seemed to be stuff we could have answered. It seemed like maybe we were trying to reassure them that this was the best solution that fit all of our needs without cheaping out.

After work, Jesica came over to have some leftovers from the weekend, and watched Pretty Little Liars. I like to think the show is about some liars that are pretty little. Like maybe they’re much shorter than average. I was not entertained. I’m also pretty sure the villain in this episode wouldn’t have had a clue how to do some of the things she was doing. I may be judging a book by its cover, but this seemed like some next-level hackery.

Welcome to Eagle Eye.

Are you a MexiCAN, or a MexiCAN’T?

I feel so useless this time of year. I keep feeling like I’m not doing enough.

For lunch, Allen and I went to La Plaza, a new Mexican place just up the road from our office, owned by the same folks from La Plaza Mexicana in Dardanelle. I had the carnitas, which were pretty great. Allen’s nachos looked awesome too.

After work, I made an awesome leftover burger, and then Jesica wanted to go out for Mexican herself, so I sat and watched her chow down at Morello’s.

I know I’ve been screening Harry Potter for MOOvie nights, but even those are too spaced apart, so I’ve been skipping through the movies to refresh myself the past couple nights. I wish someone else could marathon whole series with me. I’ve been wanting to watch the Lord of the Rings extended editions since they came out, but nobody ever seems even remotely interested in spending literally half of an entire day watching it with me.

I’m pretty sure my patronus is a taco.

I gotta haddock.

I got up this morning to meet my family at Linh for lunch. I had a tremendous headache, that made me feel worse for the fact that it was a beautiful day outside. I would have liked to ride somewhere nice.

After lunch, I brought my mom a new PS3 controller because hers started messing up. I didn’t stay long due to the headache, and returned home to try and mellow out. And just like that, the weekend’s over.

Abalone, you’re just bein’ shelfish.

Surprise Family Visits

My Uncle Giao and Aunt Teresa came to visit with the grandkids. It took me all day to get dishes and the rest of the house cleaned up from last night and then get out of the house, but I eventually made it out to my parents’ house to visit with everyone. The kids seemed to love the Google Home there.

Afterward, Jesica wanted to borrow my washing machine to wash her new comforter, but it seemed too big to fit and she ended up going to her father’s to wash it.

Finally it was an evening of Rocket League, followed by Worms Reloaded with Johnny and Aaron into the early morning. Brandie followed the breadcrumbs from an Instagram comment to discover the blog, so she earns the new site’s first Creeper Award in spite of the whole thing being public for the sake of peer review. We’ll see you next time. Same cow time, same cow channel!

You’ll regret that!

Moovie Night VII: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

It finally happened, after all those failures to launch. It’s MOOvie night.

Work was incredibly slow, with most of the schools having activity days celebrating the end of the year. The real work started once I got home.

Jesica came over after work to help prepare her dishes, and then picked up Will after he finished closing the store. Mayra came over as soon as she got out of her store. All the food turned out pretty awesome.

I made a mix of differently seasoned  chicken breasts, some pre-pattied beef/pork burgers from Walmart that were both time-saving and delicious, and the always-loved jalapeño cheddar smoked sausages. The cheese dip was on point with a touch of chili and cream cheese with jalapeños.

I saved Jesica’s twice-baked potato casserole from being a once-baked potato casserole after refusing to let her microwave the potatoes for the first step of cooking. I also baked a cake. Check out my diverse-ass repertoire.

I hated that Jonell couldn’t make it since she seemed to be genuinely excited, but apparently she’s repping the store in San Fran. I’m a little jealous.

Otherwise, I think everything turned out pretty well. Maybe we can finish the series with a low-key double feature. I love doing it big, but it’s always bittersweet when more people don’t show up.

But that’s life I suppose. You go along and then suddenly…Poof!

End of the Year Review: Year 1

We had a big assembly today to sort of celebrate the end of the year. It was discouraging to hear some of my team fuss over it beforehand, because it seemed like a decent enough event to me. There wasn’t a huge amount of fanfare, but those that were retiring were paraded across the stage as their superiors said words. Employees of the year were recognized, and received some small tokens as well. It’s tough for small departments like ours where we basically have to rotate each other through the process for employee of the month awards, but even in my first year here, I could tell Gary was deserving of the recognition of overall employee of the year. He may put on a grumpy hat most days, but he’s truly one of the greatest guys I’ve ever known, and I’m happy to get to work with him after all these years after graduating together. I never even knew he was that much of a tech guy, but he’s about as sysadmin as you can get.

We got to go home a bit early after the assembly, but I didn’t bother to use any of that time to actually clean the house like I intended. Jesica came over after work, and we went to Walmart to pick up some food for MOOvie Night tomorrow. We ran into Kevin and Brandi, but he has other plans tomorrow. Hopefully I get at least a couple newcomers though.

What’s the difference between a technology tech in this district and a large, deep dish, pepperoni pizza from Domino’s Pizza?

What’s in a Title?

I kind of hate how slow it’s gotten as it’s coming up toward the end of the year. I feel relatively worthless, and it’s making me less motivated everywhere else.

I finally went to pick up the computer chair I ordered at Walmart. Nothing fancy, but it was 16 bucks. It’d be stupid to pass on that. I guess.

I spent the afternoon playing learning how to use Minecraft: Education Edition so I could teach the teachers. I was supposed to meet with them at the computer lab, but they backed out.

I didn’t do anything else at home aside from watch Google I/O. Nothing too thrilling, but I couldn’t look away. I’m just surprised they didn’t launch another communication app.

Okay Google. Make me better.