Fax It to Me Baby
The team meeting was pretty worthless this morning, but I expected it to be with Jason’s attitude about “nobody sending him any projects” yesterday. Heather had some lines to pull at the junior high, so Ben helped her with one set while Allen and I ran another longer one. Ours was a fax line for the counselors, because it’s 1982. We worked until a late lunch, then went to Wind Taste to eat before going back to drop the cable down the wall.
Once that was finished, we went back to the shop for a while, where I spent some time chatting with Gary before heading to the high school to do some work. I wrapped up late there too, then headed home for a little while. I messed with the aquariums some until I saw Summer’s text about needing help at the shop. Evidently they had some trouble with their modem, and poor luck timed it during an outage with Suddenlink’s own provisioning service. We called and spent a while on hold, but couldn’t ever get the service switched to the new modem, so Summer left her personal modem there for tomorrow.
Having done all we could do, Summer went home to get some clothes while I picked up some Zaxby’s for dinner, then met her at my house for the evening.
I’m not sure I’m cut out to be a freelancer, but I’ll give it a shot.