Dinghy Gamer Peripherals
Testing saw another boring morning. At least I finished making esports giveaways, so it’s on to the next cleanup project. Zach, Summer, and I all met at Ruby Tuesday for $5 salads. It didn’t seem to help my blood pressure any. I lack the commitment to go on a completely Soylent diet because I’m a social eater. The American workday and lunch schedule just doesn’t fit how my body wants to be treated. Vacations are splendid at correcting this, and I’m feeling like it’s about time for one of those.
I stayed at the junior high all day, because Heather wanted to come check out the building for a bit at the end of the day, and then I had to stay late for esports. I’ve lost some of my motivation here just because of the lack of payoff so far, but I’m still hopeful. I just can’t afford to keep pouring more volunteer time into it when I’m feeling short on time at home too.
After work, I stopped by the house before going to my parents’ for dinner, and then to Walmart to do some deal hunting. I picked up a Corsair keyboard and mouse at a pretty steep clearance price as sort of a treat for all the anxiety I’ll be going through to move over to the high school. The Executive Director and Game Master of Esports can’t be seen using rubber dome keyboards, after all.
Back home for the evening, I don’t even know where my time went. I swear I just got out of work.
You can’t get there from here.