Need More Data

I spent all day entering fuel records for my R1. It wasn’t particularly fun, but it was nice to get it out of the way. I’m still somehow missing about a year worth of records somehow, but hopefully I can find them in a lost file somewhere.

Summer got back from her quiz bowl trip early, but I still didn’t make it back to her place until later in the evening. She made an awesome stuffed chicken breast thing for dinner, then we played Phase 10 until the girls went to bed and finished season 2 of The Office before bed ourselves.

I’m gonna chow down my vegetables!

What are Traditions: 0x23

I got up a bit earlier than usual this morning so I could get my Birthday Slam at Denny’s. I was worried for a moment about not having the coupon printed out, but thankfully they just took my ID. Last year I got bamboozled, so I would have felt rightly stupid for messing up again.

I spent all morning running around until I inadvertently convinced Jason and Allen to go to Ci-Ci’s for BOGO all-you-can-eat pizza for $5.99. That’s a hard one to argue, but the food wasn’t as good as our last visit, except for the whole weekend-long fever thing that happened last time.

After lunch, Jason helped me run down an intercom issue at Oakland, then I spent most of the remainder of the afternoon helping set up some more stuff for Sara.

Once off of work, I headed home to set up my newly RMA’d cable modem before heading to Summer’s for dinner. She made chili in a slow cooker, then we all played Phase 8 because bedtime is a very real thing in that household.

When I got home, I stopped by Bác Vân’s to pick up some strawberries she got me for my birthday. I guess overall it went about as well as it could have.

Nobody likes you when you’re 23.

MOOvie Marvel: That’s a Wrap

Today was a day of food and movies. Summer made breakfast while I started a pot roast. It’s an ordeal every time. I was actually surprised we had enough food, though just barely.

We watched the lion’s share of movies today, with Doctor StrangeSpider-Man: Homecoming, and finally Thor: Ragnarok into the evening. They were all better in 3D, but we can’t do that with kids laying sideways in the floor. It breaks the science.

We never lose our demons, Mordo. We only learn to live above them.

MOOvie Marvel II

I got up today and tried a few rounds of solo PUBG since nobody else was around to play. I made it to the top 5 or 10 in every game in which I didn’t get killed immediately, which made me feel like I’m really improving. After a morning of that, I spent most of the afternoon cleaning house in preparation for our second weekend of bingeing the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After everything was cleaned up, Josh joined for me for a round of doubles, which we won right off the bat. Then the girls got here right as we got looted in our second game, so I quit out and left him to fend for himself.

Summer brought a bunch of leftover Fat Daddy’s barbecue from a quiz bowl event today, along with a bunch of stuff to make for tomorrow. We made it through Thor and The Avengers with only one casualty to sleep. Tomorrow we’ll continue with Iron Man 3 and Thor 2, then see where the day takes us. We’ve still got some catching up to do before Black Panther comes out in a couple weeks.

It seems to be powered by some sort of electricity!

High Class; Low Society

You want the nicest house on the block. It’s better to have high class in low society than low class in high society. I visited a recently/currently renovated McDonald’s for lunch today that was a perfect example. The self-ordering kiosks weren’t functioning yet, but the mobile ordering works well. Service and food were great because the owner was there in his McVette. It was a little funny that the manager didn’t know what I was talking about when I said I wanted to pay with Android Pay. I’ve used that method to pay for ages, and now suddenly it’s a problem because of some new floor tiles.

Back at work, I successfully installed Neverware on an old Gateway laptop, essentially turning a slow Windows machine into a faster Chromebook. Ryan was impressed enough, but nobody else was around to bear witness. Another day.

After work, I headed home and lost track of time in PUBG land again. I actually intended to go out again, but it’s probably best that I didn’t, as tired as I was this morning.

But what do white people think about the “Black Panther” movie?

The Whole Famn Damily

The kids were all out today, so once Summer got done at the gym, I headed up to her place. My sister texted me shortly after I got there and invited me out to lunch with the family, so without any other plans, we decided to join them. For having everyone along, even Bác Vân, it was relatively uneventful. I ate too much, everyone got to meet everyone else, and nobody got stabbed or mortally wounded.

I was completely useless by the time we walked out of there, so Summer and I came back to my house and watched Bo Burnham’s what. on YouTube. When that was done, we watched some British panel comedies until it was time to head back to her place to receive the kids. I got to meet Nick, and we all lazed around until I needed to head home to sleep before work tomorrow.

Martin Luther King Jr. is an also-ran if only some staff gets the day off.

To live would be an awfully big adventure

I woke up with another huge headache this morning, then nursed a small one the rest of the day. When I finally got out of bed close to noon, I started playing PUBG with Clint. Most of our games were pretty quick, not getting very far, but they were all relaxing and fun. Keno joined us for a few rounds after a while until I had to get showered.

When Summer got home from her quiz bowl tournament, I headed up there and took us out to La Huerta for dinner. It went pretty well, and the molcajete was pretty tasty. I’ve had better, and their bowl was oddly porous, but it was still really good. Afterward, we all piled onto the couch and watched Hook until one by one they each passed out on top of me. Except Eaddie, who seems to have outlasted even me.

You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming?


It was so warm again today. I spent most of the day at the shop working on a bunch of iPads. Ben, Sara, and I went to Brick Oven for lunch, and I got a big ol’ Big Italy. I can’t not order a large one of those things. They’re so delicious.

After work, I went to my parents’ house for some more fish soup, then made a stop at the junior high to take care of a couple things, and finally a quick jaunt to Summer’s before heading home to do a load of laundry for tomorrow. Once that was started, I filled out a survey for yesterday’s visit to Popeye’s, and maybe 10 minutes later I received a phone call from this evening’s shift manager. I guess I really ripped them with my comments, but I’m just so tired of coworkers dragging me there when it’s such lame service. The food’s usually pretty decent, but I shouldn’t have to ask if they have fried chicken currently available at a fried chicken restaurant. That’s retarded.

I finished the evening with a different kind of chicken dinner in PUBG with Clint, Jack, and Aaron. Clint was downed, but otherwise we all made it out alive, and it was awesome.

Only in America could a restaurant advertise a low calorie drink using a banner that says “<450 CALORIES.”


I caught up on some sleep today. I didn’t wake up until just after noon. Not long after I got up, my phone mount arrived, so I went and installed it in my car. I think it looks pretty slick. I wish my phone was natively magnetic so I didn’t have to have a metal plate stuck to the back of it, but even that doesn’t look too bad. We’ll see how well it holds up in the summer heat, but so far I’m really happy with it.

Nobody was around to do anything, so I burned most of the day. Clint got on in the late afternoon and we played a couple rounds of PUBG, but that’s all we did before I left for Summer’s. She baked some breaded pork chops, grilled some corn, and boiled some mashed potatoes. I was impressed until I looked up a list of cooking techniques, and now I feel like she could have tried a little harder.

We watched Toy Story 3 thinking it was the newest one, but I forgot how many there were. I think the fourth one is the one that made everyone bawl their eyes out.

I want Waffle House so bad I can’t see straight.

Dinner and a Movie

I slept in a bit today, then got up to get ready for another trip to Conway with Summer. We wanted to catch the new Jumanji movie in the afternoon before a little shopping and a couple of steaks.

The movie was pretty great. It definitely had a different feel to it, but I liked how it pulled straight from the old movie and made it something new. I didn’t realize it, but Summer said it was her first 3D movie. She seemed to really enjoy it. I made the mistake of getting up near the end of the movie to refill the popcorn and my drink, and ended up missing the climax, but I imagine I’ll get the movie for home in 3D once it’s available.

After the movie, we went to the new shopping center on Dave Ward to see what was there. We stopped in the PetCo there, and it seemed like all the animals were in relatively poor health, which was surprising considering the neighborhood. After leaving there, we stopped by Old Navy and grabbed a few things. I returned a defective pair of jeans and grabbed a new sport coat, and by that time we were ready for dinner at Logan’s.

Once we finished eating, we headed straight back toward home, stopping at Blackwell to restock before New Year’s Eve tomorrow. Then when we got back home, we watched Kevin Hart’s What Now on Netflix. He was better in the movie.

She understands the intent.