Prime Age

It was cool enough this morning that I didn’t want to ride in to work again, but it didn’t take long for the sun to come out and make me regret it. I spent pretty much all day messing with 1:1 laptops, so I found myself tired, bored, and generally wanting to hang myself.

Allen was still craving KFC, but I convinced him and a bunch of others to ride with me to Brown’s Catfish for my birthday meal. I don’t know why everyone’s too bashful to actually accumulate rewards points, but I only got four bucks worth myself after my discount.

After lunch was more of the same, and I just wanted to leave more than anything else. Eventually I did, and instead of taking advantage of the day, I just went home and played some Overwatch until Summer got home. Then I stopped by Arby’s to use another birthday coupon to get her some food on the way up. I ran into Scott and Jodi there, and I hadn’t seen them in forever. I felt a little awkward just because my brain was tired. I had already started to wind down from interacting with people for the day, so I had a hard time forming small talk.

When I got to Summer’s, everyone had already wound down for the day. Summer had a rough one, so she was pretty much done for the evening. We watched what was left of her baking show, and then everyone went to bed.

Hopefully only halfway through the primes.

Little John Mountain

We got up a little early this morning so we could have a day up on Petit Jean. Summer took Autumn to get things to make sandwiches while I went home to clean up. Then the girls and my dad met at my house so we could drive up the mountain. We went up the back way and stopped at the bear cave trail first, where we had lunch in the back of the car. It was cool, but great weather to be out in the wilderness. We climbed up on some of the rocks where we found some chiseled out steps, and I collected a few mosses, and Dad took a bunch of pictures of nature. Autumn didn’t originally want to go at all, but once we were there she insisted that her knee was fine to continue trailblazing and climbing up rock faces.

The next stop was Mather Lodge to clean up a bit, and then we continued to the Cedar Falls overlook. As the day progressed, it seemed to get windier and cooler, but the rain never showed up. Summer wanted to go to a new coffee shop on the mountain, so we had some drinks while the girls played Scrabble. Then it was off to the Petit Jean gravesite. That’s where it was the coldest with the most wind. I don’t think Eaddie really put anything together in her head for the homework she had on the subject, but it was still a nice day to get out of doors. It was personally very aggravating to feel how I’ve aged since I last spent any significant amount of time hiking, and I think Dad felt the same way. I guess the best thing any of us can do is keep at it to maintain dexterity.

We took the interstate back home, which felt quite a bit longer, and definitely more boring. Dad and Summer each went home while the girls stayed with me to watch TV while I started some laundry. Once that was done, Summer came back and we met my parents at Bocadillo for a birthday dinner and ice cream. Mom didn’t seem too happy that it wasn’t the same type of Mexican place they usually visit, but I thought it was good. Afterward we got some dessert and I split a strawberry and cream funnel cake with Summer and Eaddie that was just divine.

With this year’s birthday plans out of the way, I took the girls back to their car and went to Amanda’s to check on her cats one last time. Then it was back home to finish up some laundry before bed.

I’ve really taken a lichen to you.

Fellowship of the Inconsiderate

Summer left us for work this morning. I eventually got up and snuck over to the girls who were laying in the floor watching YouTube videos until Noah woke up. Once they started making a little noise, he got up and we finished The Fellowship of the Ring. The extended version was so incredibly long, and the fan club credits ran about 15 minutes long themselves. I even made some popcorn for us all.

After the movie, we gathered everyone up and headed back to their house so they could clean up. The girls were reluctant to do anything, so Noah took charge and prodded them along to getting anything done at all. Summer eventually got home after shutting down early for Christmas, and really got things moving. I noticed that one of the girls had stuck an earring into the cork handle on my electric kettle, which set me off. Summer got mad at me for flipping my shit, but I can’t stand that kind of destructive disrespect. I’m about one more incident from taking my toys back home.

They all finally used up the gingerbread house I’d had on top of my refrigerator for the past 16 or so years, and then decorated cookies. I needed a shower and some time away from their shrieking, so I had a drink and a time-out while they finished. Summer’s parents eventually came over with a crate full of gifts for everyone, and then left with Noah and Autumn for the evening. I guess we’ll figure out tomorrow when it gets here.

Summer went to bed with a headache, so Eaddie and I played some Mario Kart before settling in for about an episode and a half of Luke Cage. She started to fall asleep, so we called it a night.

Disappointed Narwhal disapproves.

Getting Baked for Family

I got to sleep in a little today while Summer went off to work. The kids were all up playing Mario Kart when I finally got around. Noah and I finished up some salad stuff, and then Eaddie and I shared what was left of Veronica’s tamales. Summer had me bake the cookies so they’d be cool for decorating in the evening. Eaddie wanted to help at first, but didn’t really commit. Once they were done, I headed home to start cleaning up the house for everyone to stay the night.

Everything cleaned up relatively easily, but I’ve still got a ton of clutter that needs to be managed. I definitely had to skimp in the evening as Summer finished up work and I had to pick up some groceries for Christmas dinner. Walmart had been extremely busy the past few times I’d been, but had surprisingly calmed down a bunch for the evening. Erica yelled out at me as I was running out the door and said she still wasn’t having any of the crowd.

The kids ambushed Summer when she got home, so she called in an order for some pizza. I was pretty early to get them, but it was fun watching the make line and I chatted a bit with who I presume was the shift leader about my nostalgia from my first job working in pizza. With pizzas in hand, I made my way up to Summer’s where the kids were mostly practicing being in the way. We ultimately decided to put off decorating cookies until tomorrow so we could get started watching The Fellowship of the Ring with Noah. The kids decorated the tree and then we were off.

Summer went straight to bed. Autumn watched, I’m estimating the first 30 seconds of the film before she passed out. Eaddie made it a bit farther. Noah was aggravated after spending two day swatching Harry Potter when Autumn wouldn’t provide him the same courtesy. We eventually called it quits just as we made it to Rivendell.

Bah Humbug, now that’s too strong!

Christmas with the Distants

We got up this morning to make the trip down to Bismark for Dad’s family Christmas bash. I ran home to take care of the cat and clean up, then headed back to Summer’s to make the broccoli casserole. I was running a bit behind, which was exacerbated by a rice cooker that wouldn’t stay on. In a weird chain of choices, I ended up using another rice cooker’s power cord to weigh down the switch so the rice would finish cooking.

Once that was done, the girls loaded up and we headed to pick up Dad and make our way down to the church. We took the highway through Little Rock on the way down since I hadn’t realized it was just down past Hot Springs and that we would need something for Eaddie’s car sickness. It ended up taking about the same amount of time, but traffic was super bad and the drive was terribly boring, plus it added about another 40 miles to the trip.

It was a super small showing this year, though since it was potluck style, we still ended up with plenty to eat. I’m still not exactly sure why I went back for seconds, but I definitely should have cut back instead. Dad did a little magic, and then almost everyone else there played Dirty Santa until it was time to clean up and head home.

I wanted to take Highway 7 back home, so I let Google Maps guide me around the outskirts of Hot Springs where we stopped at one of about 300 Dollar Generals to get some Dramamine for all three of the girls. We made good time coming back, and the drive was miles shorter and better. The girls took turns falling asleep until we dropped Dad off, and as soon as we got home, everyone shuffled off to bed.

Ah, Kohl’s Cash, you tricky bastard!

Just a Quiet Christmas Dinner with the Crew

I had to run back to the shop this morning because I forgot to grab a document camera on my way out yesterday. I stuck around for a little while just because it was so quiet there, but eventually I did make it up to the high school and successfully deployed Adobe Acrobat DC as a package instead of an application, because Adobe is stupid. We had a good size crew for lunch, which we wanted to keep light for the sake of having a Christmas dinner later in the evening, so we went for Taco Tuesday.

After lunch, I spent a bit more time at the shop before finishing up at the high school. I left work later than I should have because I was tinkering with some stuff, so I was just a little bit late getting changed for the party. I ran to pick up Summer, and we made our way to Old Bank for dinner. About half of the crew was already there, but with relationships and crew members shifted from where we were a few years ago, the whole night ended up being pretty quiet. To call it dull would be harsh, but we were upstairs by ourselves and the whole place just seemed really quiet.

When we finally split up, Summer and I went to get the girls and headed home. She and I watched a bit of YouTube while Eaddie did her homework, and then we were all off to bed.

This Tuesday feels an awful lot like Friday. Are we sure it’s not Friday? How would we really know for sure?

Splashmas Fiesta

Summer got up and made pancakes and eggs for breakfast this morning. I surfed deals for a little bit before going home to clean up and find an outfit to wear for her company Christmas dinner. I picked up Noah on the way back up, and we got everyone loaded into the car for a bit of shopping before the shindig.

Our first stop was in Conway so I could try and find a couple clearance deals at Home Depot. I dropped three of them off at Target first, but Eaddie didn’t get her shoes on in time and ended up having to go to Home Depot with me. We wandered around for much longer than I planned, and only found one of the deals I wanted. The SodaStream wasn’t discounted to a good price at all, so we left with only a Klein cable tester.

When we got back to Target, Eaddie just wanted to stay in the car, so it was up to me to fetch the others. Noah was the only one to buy anything, and that was a soda. Then it was off to Little Rock. We were a bit early for the party, so we went to McCain Mall first and let Autumn run through the PINK store for some overpriced whatevers. Then she and Eaddie went to Bath & Body Works for some slightly less overpriced stuff while the rest of us went to GameStop.

By the time we made it through there, it was time to gather everyone up and head to The Greens in Sherwood. The company rented out a building at the country club and had some Mexican joint cater fajitas. It was definitely less “happening” than any of us expected, and the two caterers plating the food made everyone getting through the line extremely slow. They played a slideshow with a bunch of old employees that ticked Summer off, and then had some “game” where employees got to bid on some really crappy door prizes with sixteen fake dollars. Like, a bag of tongs, bad.

We made it home pretty quickly, and shuffled everyone off to bed. At least we got everyone out of the house.


Thanksgiving Time Warp

Summer had a 5k this morning, so I slept in as long as I could before getting up to cook for Thanksgiving. I decided to make the broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole in the instant pot just by using the sauté function for most of the cooking, and it went pretty well except for the moment where I sealed the boiling broccoli. I think I ended up adding too much rice too, but I was afraid it was too saucy. Summer mashed some potatoes and made her fruit salad, and we rounded up the girls to head to my parents’ house.

We beat everyone else there, but Bác Vân and Doug weren’t far behind. Julie brought way more food than I realized, because I guess she hasn’t been satisfied with our traditional offerings. While we were waiting on everyone to get there, the kids and I dumped out a bunch of old boxes of toys that Dad had been gathering with the hopes of a purge. It was a blast from the past for sure, and I even found some McDonald’s toys that I had just been thinking about last week.

The food was great, and we all stuffed ourselves before continuing to dig through all the old toys and stuff. We laid around the living room and generally had one of the most peaceful Thanksgivings we’ve ever experienced, even after Julie tried convincing Bác Vân to grow marijuana in her back yard. The girls decorated some cupcakes, then spent a little time trying to learn the piano up until the time we left.

When we got back to their house, I tinkered with Destiny 2 on Stadia for a bit more while the girls went quietly to their rooms. Summer was pretty pooped and went to bed early, but I wasn’t terribly far behind.

Toys were better before all the movie franchises took over.


We got up this morning and had some leftover barbecue for brunch, and then Summer left for the gym. We wanted to head to Little Rock early so we could make a day of it, but I ended up feeling a little crummy and we only really had time to stop at Sam’s in Conway. We wandered around there until a good departure time to arrive at the Splash Thanksgiving shindig close to six o’clock. Ben, Sarah, and the kids were all in the kitchen of their new historical house-office finishing up dinner, so we got a tour of the rest of the place. Having an office there seemed unnecessarily expensive, but maybe it’s not as bad as I suspected. Nobody asked my opinion.

Overall it was a good time, and we both got some practice talking to new people. I was really glad I decided to dress way up, even though Summer said not to worry about it. There were people wearing jeans to be sure, but otherwise it was a pretty clean-cut crew, and slacking on formality wouldn’t have done us any favors. We mingled for just a little after dinner, then headed home so Summer could go to sleep for work in the morning. Then I stayed up for the next six hours self-learning optometry so I could purchase cheap eyeglasses with greater confidence, because that’s the kind of shit I do for fun apparently.

F = Fcyl*(SIN(Î))2 where Fcyl is the cylinder power and Î is the angle between the cylinder axis and the new meridian.

Bánh Mì on the Rooftop

We all slept in quite a bit today. Summer got up and ready to hit the gym while I ate leftover Mexican. I cut up some potatoes and made some really skinny fries to go with some chicken strips for everyone else when Summer got back from the gym and from picking up Autumn. Immediately after she ate, she started super-cleaning the house while I more or less wandered around uselessly. I should have gone home to clean up, but I didn’t.

In the late afternoon, we got the girls loaded up to go swim at my parents’ house. I remembered that I had a pickup order ready at Lowe’s, so I ran in there first, then to my house for what was supposed to be a quick stop. My portable A/C unit had stopped because it was full of water, so I had to empty it out and clean the air filter before we left. Autumn had a couple hot dogs at my parents’ house before joining the rest of us to swim for a while. When we got out, I pulled out some super old fireworks to explode, and the girls didn’t seem to want any part of it. None of them really wanted to be around it. Summer at least got into some sparklers.

It seemed to get late pretty fast, and Amanda beat us to the junior high, so we left to get my keys I had forgotten at my house, then went to meet her there. The fireworks show had been moved to the aquatic center, and I estimated we would have a pretty good view from the roof. Mom and Dad brought some bánh mì for us to eat on the roof, and they watched from down below. Amanda’s crew had to split before the main show, but I think the better part was seeing the surrounding fireworks from around the city and even out of town.

The weather was nice, and there weren’t much in the way of bugs where we were. Once the show got started, I don’t think it even lasted 15 minutes. Most of the low stuff was hidden, but we could see bits of it peeking out over the trees. I assume you couldn’t see much of that from the ground. It was a great time though, and the girls really enjoyed it after begrudgingly climbing a pair of vertical ladders.

Once the show was over and the heavy traffic had left the parking lot, we headed back to Summer’s for the evening. Eaddie and I watched the first episode of Daredevil while everyone else went to sleep, and then we followed suit.

Is it sacrilege to celebrate the birth of America with a picnic of Vietnamese sandwiches?